Monday, June 29, 2009
Thank You!
1.The director of the movie "Run Fatboy Run"
I decided to take part in maarthon after watching this movie. It was abt a fat man who received a "boo" from his frens for taking part in marathon but yet completed the race with much hurdles. And by completing it, he got back his divorced wife.
2. Ronnie
His leadership in running actually inspired many runners. He adequately arranged for training/running sessions to ensure we are adequately prepared for the competition. Although we had a little bit "buffle and huffle" in between but I took it positively and made a come back.
3. My wife
When ever, im back from training or competition, she always there to perform light massages at my leg so that I wont feel anymore aches the next day. Even yesterday, she helped me to massage my knee and I don't feel anything today. She was really understood my feelings as sprtsman although she doesnt really involves in sports.
4.Freinds (too many)
All of you who sent me messages via email, facebook and mobile to wish me luck. Thank you everyone.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Standard Chartered KL Marathon-28 June'09

Timing: 4hrs 2min flat.
Route: Dataran > Brickfields > Jln Lok Yew > Kg Pandan > Jln Tun Razak > GH > Jln Ipoh > Kampung Baru > KLCC > Bkt Bintang > Petaling Street > Istana Negara > Jln Parlimen > Wisma Tani > Bank Negara > Maju Junction > Sogo > Dataran
It was drizilling when the race started. I followed Teck Sin till 17km. It was all going well with my pacing of 5minits per km. Upon that I felt Teck Sin was fast or I was too slow, I left him and run on my own pace. I did 1 hour 49min at 21km mark. I was happy as Im still within my targt of finishing within 4 hours.
Interesting part started later, wehn at 32km mark my right knee started aching. I still pushed myself. at 5km mark my left knee also started aching. Furthermore, I was dehydrated as my body was dried after every water station upon 30km mark. I took atleat 5cups per water station but still could not satisfy.
At final 9km, 10km runners joined us and I used them as my pacer. However, at my last 5km, I was really slow, both my kness weer aching. I had to walk n run. This allowed alot of people to overtake me.
I started to feel hungry at Jln Tun Razak, luckily there was banana. So I took half of it. At Petaling street, I got Powergell which kept my stomach filled. But crapy organisers never put the water station nearby the powergell.
When I came to BSKL, I saw Murali was walking and he said he cant go anymore. I just said "Come on".
When I reached Sogo, I thought I will be turning in but they ask marathon runners to run further till Maju Junction. That demotivated me.
Whatever, when I came to Sogo, I knew I was just a kilometre away from completion. So I strived to push myself and made it to finishing line. I heard some people cheering for me at towards finishing line. Upon completion, I just went and drank 10 cups of 100plus and collected my medal then just go to corner and sat down. I couldn't move already.
Good thing abt this marathon:
1. Distance were stated at every kilometre
2. Water stations were adequate at every 2.5km (except for at powergell station)
3. Run around the city without much highways
Bad thing:
1. The number distribution was screwed. You cant xpect us to remeber our race ID and download it from internet. The system failure is just unacceptable reason as such big organisation, You should have a proper backup system.
2. I dont feel the exitement as I reached at 4am, the place was still quiet. No party kind of moment.
3. Useless Goody bag with just a towel. Lousy medal and T-shirt were given. No breakfast at all. And we paid RM50 for it. Just crap.
4. The massage was RM20 for on 17minutes. What the heck? If I go outside, its only RM45 for an hour. R u triying to swendle money?
5. No cheerleaders. No motivation to run.
6. Banana finished when I reached the finishing line. halo, please provide us adequate food ok.
Such a big organisation, Standard Chartered and Octagon can make "budak Kecil" mistakes. Im still considering of joining next year. Either you change Standard Chartered or change Octagon. Whatever, u must change next year.
Results of my running mates:
3'35.42 - Ronnie See, Pm1
3'46.10 - Stanley Cheong, Pm5
33'48.25 - Chen Pong Pong, Pm8
3'49.11 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37
3'58.54 - Zulazlan Shah, Pm43
4'02.00 - Meyyappa Manickam, Pm58
4'04.00 - Sam Chee Wang
4'17.26 - Choi Chik Choy, Pm42
4'20.36 - Lai Fong Sang, Pm38
4'24.00 - Kevin Chow, Pm32
4'36.20 - Lee Yee Sum
4'36.23 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55
4'55.15 - Tay Poh Chye
5'59.02 - Frank Chong, Sub Pm6
7'03.00 - Julie Wong
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Just Counting My Hours
So I throw another challenge which is to complete a marathon. Since I'm a KL boy, I would like to start it from my home ground.
For the whole week, I did 5km on Tuesday and 10km on Thursday. That's it and now Im resting to ensure Im prepared for tommorow.
My Target is just to finish within 4hours. Even I dont achieve it, it's alright because altleast I complete it.
I had to juggle between my busy work, new family, Toastmasters and running. And this 6 months was just hectic for me. I even did jogging at lake gardens at 10pm and at RSC Bukit Kiara at 11pm. All this is just for the sake of keeping myself for for the marathon.
I have started feeling the pressure and nervousness.
Whatever it is, Im just going to run my race as the tagline says "Run Your Race".
Worst Bib Collection in my life
How do I know my race ID. Furthermore, they didnt inform that we need to submit the race ID to them. The voulunteer said that if i can contact anyone to check my ID via online or I come back tommorow.
What the F***? I never had such scenario before. Luckly, Royal Selangor Club was just next door and they had WIFI and I brought my laptop with me. So I just poped in and logged in to get my ID.
Then I went back to the counter and collected my race kit and bib.
Come on, this is an international event, and we can't tolerate this kind of niusance. What is Octagon & Standard Chartered is doing? Shouldnt you have a back up plan for all this.
Hope you wont screw up during the race day.
Loss of Moon Walker - Michael Jackson

The music world a valueable asset which can't be replicated or replaced on 26 june'09 at 3am(Malaysian Time).
I know him through the song "Beat It" and just love the way he dance, does the moon walk and sings. another of my favaourite is "They dont really care about us" which was shot in African nations.
Though he is just 50years old, certainly he made impact to people's life and inspired alot of dancers including Prabu Deva (famous Indian Choregrapher).
The sales of MJ album just shot up 20folds in a day. "V channel" was just broadcasting his songs.
We will miss you, but always be remembered.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
"Kiasu" Malaysian
When we were in the lift, there came a patient in the rollr bed which occupied 75% of the lift space. Apart from it, we were 6 of us in the lift (packed like sardine).
When my floor reaches, a chinese lady who was at the lift door refused to give space for my wife to go out of the lift. And the malay dude who was also the staff of UMMC was not pressing the button to ensure the door doesnt close before the ppeople goes out.
The door was closed and I shouted "open, Open" but nobody bothered. Why are Malaysian so Adamanent, "Kiasu" and selfish. Why cant they think about the rest? Its really a shame to see this people. It was just a crap situation for me yesterday.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Training for 2nd last week of KL Marathon
I tired to do slow jog at Bkt Kiara, but after 2 loops, I was feeling tired. I didnt want to push as this is the crucial time for "The Race".
I'm triying for final long run perhaps on sunday.
I can feel the pressure already for the race.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Circuit Run 3 - 13 Jun'09
Distance: 22.4km (3.2km x 7loops)
Time: 9pm
I had been not training since Klang Half Marathon due to my job where I having been going latre without taking my dinner at midnight and on Thursday, I had light fever. Therefore, I just wanted to complete this race without any turbulance.
Although, it was a night race, when I satretd my warm up, I started to sweat after 5 minutes. It's maily due to the haze and the heat. Then I realised, I need to hydrate myself at every loop to ensure my muscles don't get cramped.
When the race started, as usual I got into the leading pack and followed Ronnie for the 1st 2 loops. When I went through the 1st loop, i ventured the track and wintness that it's a challenging track with 5 hills. Futhermore, at the lake, there was a sting smell where I suspect an animal died and its not cleared. Thus we hand to so call "enjoy the stingk" thorought the 7 loops. Since I didn't go for long run, I thought of going for additional loop after my race. But bafter realising teh track, then I decided that 7 loops is more than enough.
Upon pacing Ronnie for 2 loops, I realised that he was increasing his pace. So I went on my own from 3rd loop onwards. Normally, I dont drink for the 1st 5 km but this race was heaty that made me to drink just asfter my 1st loop. Upon that, I was drinking 1 cup evey loop and showering myself with another cup.
when I reached to my 6th loop, there was a guy overtook me and paced me. So I just followed him. Suddenly, Kenny Tan approched from the back and over took me. So I just followed them till the end of 6th loop. Going into my last loop, I realised that only Kenny Tan was infron of me and the other guy was left behind. So I just followed Kenny Tan till half way mark, wher the 3rd hill was there. Sfter the hill, Kenny ask me to continue as he was tired. So the pressure increased on me and I just increased my pace because i was worried of them overtaking me at the last moment.
When I reached the last 500M, I just burst out my energy and sprinted till the finishing line. Then Julie gave me my placing and I got "8th". Top 10 man! Fantastic Run with chalenging loops.
Upon the race I was drinking more than 20cups of 100plus plus curry puff and 2 packet of nasi lemak. When I came back, I took a Tosai. That was a full pack Dinner cum Supper for me.
The next race is the "D Day" "The race of The Year", KLIM'09. Just counting my days for it.
Men Open 22.4km :
01) 1'35'08 - Jasni Khairi
l02) 1'36'11 - Rozmi bin Yunus
03) 1'42'03 - Zamanhuri bin Otin
04) 1'43'00 - Alam Shah
05) 1'43'37 - Daniel Tan
06) 1'44'02 - Ronnie See, Pm1
07) 1'44'03 - Lee Kok Leong (Bryan)
08) 1'45'08 - Meyyappa Manickam, Pm58
09) 1'45'47 - Kenny Tan, Pm27
10) 1'45'45 - Lui Yuan Long
11) 1'48'20 - Vincent Wong, Pm10
12) 1'48'30 - Stanley Cheong, Pm53
13) 1'49'07 - Rizwan Sulaiman
14) 1'50'50 - Tang Wern Tien
15) 1'51'03 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35
16) 1'53'28 - Azhar bin Johari
17) 1'55'38 - Suresh, Pm47
18) 1'57'47 - Tee Ee Kia
19) 1'58'00 - Yuan Khai Heng
20) 1'58'11 - Balan Acey
21) 1'59'17 - Chan Yew Wah
22) 2'01'33 - Azlan B. Norul Anhar
23) 2'02'27 - Tee Kuan Meng
24) 2'02'47 - Soo Yew Kuang
25) 2'03'18 - Lim Kian Huat
26) 2'03'19 - Lee Yee Sum
27) 2'03'20 - Chew Wee Shea
28) 2'03'35 - Cheang Choon Wah
29) 2'03'54 - Chanthiran Sivaperuman
30) 2'04'04 - Wong Soon Pin
31) 2'04'10 - Mohamad Saiful bin Razawan
32) 2'04'21 - Eddy Choo
33) 2'04'30 - Mohd Fadzli bin Mohd Yusoff
34) 2'04'20 - Ghejanthran
35) 2'05'15 - Mohd Zaini bin Mansor
36) 2'05'30 - Nurul Azmir Yeop Mat Nor
37) 2'06'11 - Shafarudin bin Awang Kasa
38) 2'07'20 - Suhaimi Ismail
39) 2'07'19 - Mak Chin Kow
40) 2'09'02 - Edmund Yeoh Tay Beng
41) 2'09'38 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55
42) 2'11'15 - Chuah Seih Seng
43) 2'11'38 - Hoffen Teh Yih Ben
44) 2'14'52 - Tong Woon Sheng
45) 2'15'02 - Lim Kim Keong
46) 2'15'46 - Koo Wai Hoong
47) 2'16'43 - Chong Tuck Huei
48) 2'18'42 - Chu Wai Keong
49) 2'19'54 - Ng Heok Kheng
50) 2'19'32 - Chan Sai Chun
51) 2'19'35 - Goh Shu Wei
52) 2'21'00 - Khairul Amran bin Abd Aziz
53) 0'00'00 - Soo Sheau Luen
54) 2'21'59 - Loh Kian Kok
55) 2'21'59 - Law Lee Kuon (Lawrence)
56) 2'23'46 - Tan Boon Keat
57) 2'24'24 - Zabba bin Otin
58) 2'24'59 - Phooi Rong Vei
59) 2'25'22 - Chai Fook Khae
60) 2'25'26 - Yap Chee Kuang, Pm57
61) 2'26'01 - Yap Siak Koon
62) 2'26'03 - Mohd Hafiz bin Mohamad Nawi
63) 2'26'10 - Wan Hanafi bin Wan Khamaruddin
64) 2'26'38 - Leonard Tan Chyi An
65) 2'26'45 - Tan Wah Sing
66) 0'00'00 - Tan Khee Meng, Sub Pm2
67) 2'27'11 - Patmanathan a/l Vengu
68) 2'28'05 - Yap Chee Ching
69) 2'30'22 - Kang Hok Beng
70) 2'30'44 - Sharafi Abdullah Fauzi
71) 2'30'48 - Mohd Nazri Afandi
72) 2'32'43 - Wong Cheon Keong
73) 2'32'44 - Anuar Sanusi bin Ahmad
74) 2'33'11 - Wong Kian Heong
75) 2'35'01 - Hazman bin Hassan
76) 2'37'14 - Ian Yap Vern-Choong
77) 2'37'35 - Oh Choor Guan
78) 2'38'44 - Kunasegaran a/l Maniveloo
79) 2'40'52 - James Fong San Feng
80) 2'41'29 - Zulkifli Deraman
81) 2'42'04 - Mohd Rashidi Yusof
82) 2'43'04 - Lai Siew Kiw
83) 2'46'17 - Aplaidoo s/o Rama
84) 2'37'34 - Asmadi Abdullah
85) 2'48'14 - Mohammad Rohaimy Abdul Rahim
86) 2'49'52 - Fuzahir Nayan
87) 2'50'13 - Khoo Kong Wah
88) 2'52'26 - Toh Kok Lim
89) 2'56'00 - Daniel Chew Tze Wenn
90) 2'57'44 - Chew Kien Lee
91) 2'57'57 - Tan Choon Seang
92) 2'59'18 - Cheang Meng Wai, Pm6
93) 3'01'57 - Ahmad Yusran bin Khalid
94) 3'02'02 - Mohamed Jaafar bin Mohd Abd. Hamid
95) 0'00'00 - Mohd Khairul Anuar
96) 3'03'23 - Chong Tuck Kang97) 3'04'20 - Gary Chin
98) 3'17'06 - Mohd Pauzi Husin
99) 3'27'09 - Michael Lim
100) 0'00'00 - Hamidon Mat Aris
101) 0'00'00 - Nazrul bin Mat Zizi
102) DNF - Kamaruzaman bin Shariman
103) DNF - Steven Khoo
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Contradicting Statements on Newspaper
As Per NST:
"English as SPM compulsory subject: Majority says aye
Almost everyone is for the proposal to make English a compulsory pass subject at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) level. The big question, however, is when. "
As per Star:
"Many object to making English a ‘must pass’ SPM subject"
My Comment:
How come it's contradicting. Does this means that one of the newspaper is pro-goverment and another is other way round.
For me, I support the move to make the subkect as compulsory pass as it's the International Language and the main communication tool around the world. How can we neglet it.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Klang Half Marathon - 7 June'09
It's a new track for all of us. I had ben to Setia lam only once, but today I maange to see the whole area by running the event.
When I reached teher at 5.15am, I couldnt see anyone except for official. Then, I just hang around the area till i met Lionel and Veronica (Hot Girl).
The reace started late about 10minutes. Upon flag off, I got into the top50 gryp. I just maintaned as I dont want to make myself suffer.
The bad thing was, theer were 2 water stations at first 4km which was a total waste.
As I was running after 10km, my throat got dried, but luckily there were people pacing me, so I just focused on my running. Theer were beautiful houses at certain place, but there were also dry and boring sceneries which dulls my mood.
There were 4 U-Turn which was a setback. However, I just maintained and at certain point "Chen Pong Pong" was doing fartlek. So I tend to overtake him back, whenever he overtakes me.
The gap broke as I was running alone after 11km, but ther were a big group behind me. Thus I couldnt slowdown. Whe the 11km people joined us, I had "extra umph" and made them as my pacers. I increased my pace for the last 5km and manage to overtake 4 person.
My teamates results:
1'30.37 - Ben Swee, Pm50 (9th)
1'31.15 - Murali Nathan (10th)
1'31.42 - Khoo Yit Kiat, Pm28 (11th)
1'34.40 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37 (12th)
1'34.41 - Ronnie See, Pm1 (13rd)
1'35.07 - Lionel Lee (14th)
1'37'26 - Stanley Cheong, Pm53 (17th)
1'40.14 - Chin Teck Sin (20th)
1'40.46- Meyyappa Manickam (21st)
1'42.20 - Chen Keat Hoong, Pm8 (23rd)
1'42.59 - Bong Teck Yong (25th)
1'43.39 - Ruhjan (29th)
1'46.31 - Abdul Azri (38th)
1'50.50 - Andrew Chan, Pm59 (51st)
1'54.46 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55 (65th)
1'59.18 - Kevin Chow, Pm32 (81st)
1'59.29 - Lai Fong Sang, Pm38 (82nd)
My nest race will be the Circuit Run 3 next Saturday. Another Night Race.