Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Check List for Mt.Kinabalu Hiking
2. Snow Cap
3. Thick sweater
4. Disposable raincoat
5. Round collar t-shirt – 2 pc
6. Collar T shirt – 2 pc
7. Track suit
8. Bermuda shorts
9. Small towel
10. Tracking Show
11. Seliper
12. Socks – 4 pc
13. Gloves
14. Muscle cream
15. Muscle spray
16. Plaster
17. Vicks vapo rub
18. Panadol
19. Pain killers
20. Red bull - 1 can
21. Chocolate bar – 1 big
22. Chocolate nuggets – 3 bars
23. Water bottle (big)
24. Water bottle (small)
25. Maggi (optional)
26. Peanut butter biscuits (optional)
27. Small bag
28. Backpack
29. Camera
30. Handphone charger
31. Plastic bag – 5pcs
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Olympic Day Run - 26 Sept
Since the medals were 150 and some star runners were not around, I thought of taking it easy. When the race was about to begin, me and Suresh could not enter the cage as it was damn pack. If we were to start from the back, the we can kiss good bye to the medal.
Thus we started from the side, but still got stuck with the crowd and had to overtake those amateurs. I manage to get out of the big group at the bank negara hill. Then saw Amutha, so I followed her. We paced each other till Lake Gardens. Then, my leg couldn't allow me to move faster.
But I still pushed myself and when I reached finishing lane, the official gave me numb 43. Great, I finished in top 50 at least. My timing was 33.29. After that, I started vomiting. That proved that I pushed myself till I broke my stamina box.
There were MILO, WATER and Rebina. BUT there also COCA COLA. Damn, which sportsman will drink COKE after a race.
My next race will be the HOO HAA Run on 10 Oct. Hope to do better there.
Division G Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest - 25 Sept 2010
That's what I could say after finishing empty handed at yesterday's Division Evaluation Contest. I was targeting for my maiden Division title in 5 years of Toastmasters. After huge disappointment in last years contest, I told myself that I must do it this year. After finishing 2nd in the area contest which enabled me to contest n the Division, I was confident of my 3 years preparations for the contest.
As the contestants were briefed, there were only 7 of them as one of the contestant could not make it. And when the draw went on, I got numb 3. In actual fact I will be numb2 since 1 f the contestant pulled out.
The contestants were Hadzrin (hot favorite), Jason (the guy who beat me in area contest), Jack Lim (AFC), Anna Hue (MII), Hashim Adnan (Money Mastery), Paul Tan(KL Adv) and myself.
The test speaker was Daurcus Ang from IREKA. She wasn't a speaker that easily evaluatable. Good job to the OC. Then we were quarantined for the preparation. Maybe, I'm not use to be one of the early evaluator as I tend to take time to cool down myself and then rehearse my speech. But not, I had only approximately 7 minutes for the preparation and rehearsal.
When I walked to the stage, I was still feeling the discomfort. But I took 2 seconds breath and started. I started with the structure of the speech and the content. When I came to style, It was already red light, thus I had to sum up the evaluation. But I had the perception that I could at least make it to top 3.
When the results was announced:
First Place: Anna Hue - Gave recommendations that was not logic, and ask to lengthen the speech by putting in more story.
Second Place: Jack Lim - recommended to have vocal variety but said that " i don't know how you want to improve it"
Third Place: Jason Moi - dramatised the evaluation.
Wen I heard the results, immediately i walked out of the room and headed back home.
Then I got to know that Hadzrin was 2nd place in Humorous Speech and Siok Looi (Speecom) was the champ whom talked about middle age person without adequate vocal variety and body language.
I don't know what went wrong. BUT I will not back out. As saying goes " QUITTER never WINS, WINNER never QUITS"
Something I realise from the contest:
1. The mike system didn't go well. Luckily none of the contestants used mike.
2. The Division Governor was the Org Chair, damn, none of the area governors gave a damn. 2 of the area governors were just spectators and another area governor was not even there.
3. The Contest Chair didn't do a proper briefing as she lost touch with Contest Chairing. Then what the F*** you became contest chair for?
4. The contest started 20 minutes late and not enough chairs to sit.
5. There were no reminders sent to me as contestant on the contest. My Area Governor, is really a politician who is power crazy.
I'm still considering wheter I should join Division G contest again.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
J LO is in American Idol, NO More Paula ABDUL

Wednesday, September 22, 2010
KNOW This Person - Carl Lewis

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I CONQUERED Mount Kinabalu
I have conquered the quest to reach Kinabalu Peak (highest mountain in South East Asia).
All this started when I attended a speech contest last month at Malaysian Institute of Accountants Toastmasters Club(MIA TMC), where one of the speaker did shared with us how he suffered to conquer the peak.
Then I told my self that within next 12months. A week later, when I went to the Gym at Royal Selangor Club, the instructor told me that he will be organising a trip to the mountain on 15Sept. But I told him that I might not be fit. He said, "bullshit" as I was actively running all the time, stamina wont be an issue for me. It's just the mental preparation and wheater conditioning.
Immediate I said "YES" and booked my ticket. There were 8 of us in the team (7 guys and a girl). A day before we depart, I met an elderly man whom I known through Toastmasters. He told me to use these mantra when I'm climbing up which was " If SINGAM can do it 4 times, Why Can't I".
When we arrived at KK Airport, it took almost 2 hours for us to reach Kinabalu Park, where we put up a night there. On the eve, one of my teammate, Harjith brought Whisky and 5 of us finished of the whole bottle. I took only 3 shots as I was worried about next days climb. Then we went for a short karaoke session before heading to the bed.
The next day, the adventure begins. We reported to the check point and got our name tags. The bags were carried by a potter as it may disrupt our journey if we carry on our own.
The venture begin at 9.32am. we followed the Mersilau trail (8.2km) longer and adventurous. My aim was of course to complete the trail and to enjoy the scenery. Thus, I followed my teamate Terry whom was going for his 3rd attempt after successfully completing 2 previously.
As we started, we broke up from the group after 200M and it was me and Terry till the base camp. Along the way, I caught some pictures towards some plants which was rare in KL and also the scenery along the hill. very 1.5km, there was a hut where we rested for a couple of minutes and refreshed ourselves with the pipes placed.
Our energy came from the chocolate bar and wafer biscuit which ensured we are energised and filled in our stomach. The trail was rocky, muddy, at certain point there was wooden staircase and stoned where water was flowing through it.
Luckily, I was wearing running t shirt where it was light. It's because, the further I travelled, more stuffier it becomes although the wheter was getting colder. At final 2km, rain started pouring and we manage to overcome it with our raincoat and finally reached the base camp, Laban Rata at 2pm.
Phew...We got into the room at the base camp and refreshed ourselves. The water was damn cold as if it was from freezer. We took our lunch and got back to the room to have short nap while waiting for the rest.
At 5.30pm, gym instructor (Faizal) and another teammate, Aiman made it to the base camp. We were wondering what happened to other for fellows.
Waited and waited till 7.30pm, then 3 of them came leaving Yoga behind. Yoga had breathing problem where the Ranger told that he should not continue the journey as it would affect his health. Thus, the had to bring him down to the health care centre.
The other 3 whom came was half dead that they didn't had adequate stamina and strength to push further.
Upon talking dinner, we slept as we need to get up as early as 1am to prepare for the final stage. When we got up, it was raining and Faizal said that we can't move since it's raining. But still we went for our supper and meet our guide, Benson. he said, if by 3.30am it doesn't stop, then we have to forget about going up since Saturday was already our flight.
Thank god, it slowed down at 2.30am, and the white ladies and men just vanished when they saw the rain slowing down as they wanted to catch the sunrise.
We had to wait as the guide advised us to move after the rain stopped because we had amateurs and 1st timers. I was just wondering, if I couldn't make it, it will be a total waste of money to travel all the way to KK and to go back empty handed.
Just as I thought, the rain stopped and we started our journey for the next 2.7km to the peak at 3.30am. As usual, benson lead the pack, followed by Terry, Aiman and myself. The other 4 was behind with another guide called, Hudson.
We went through staircase which was in rock form and there were water flowing through it. we geared up with our jacket and gloves. Furthermore, I was wearing 2 shorts and 4 shirts to cover up the cold.
As we reached 500M, that's where the real challenge begins. We had to climb up with rope where the slope was 80 degrees and certain point, the rope was side ways. That was really a mental torture. Upon that, It was like rock climbing all the way with the rope. I was just saying the mantra to myself and focused on the peak.
Reaching, 7.5km, there was a check point where you have to report your name and tag number and from there I can sort of see the peak, but it was still far. My breathing also got struggled as the oxygen reduced. Furthermore, the temperature reached "0 degrees". When I blow, there were smoke from my mouth.
certain juncture, the rope was watery due to rain and water flowing down. The glove (motorcycle glove only) really helped me. Upon the check post, Aiman was struggling and terry had to follow him with Benson.
This left me alone and my focus was to overtake the group in front of me. As I reached the group, I realised it was Malaysian celebrity " Sharifah Shahirah" and her husband. Took photo with them and continued my journey. As I reached final 100M, saw the hill towards the peak. It was just 80 degrees and I had to use my SPIDERMAN skills to perform rock climbing.
As I was moving up, I saw two 70 year old Japanese men climbing down the peak. That proved that I too can make it. My focus was not stuttered as motivations from other climbers came to my ears.
There you go. I reached the peak. And I shouted " I made it". " Terry....I made it". He showed thumbs up and came up. took pictures and enjoyed and experienced the scenery 4000 meters above the sea level. I'm even standing above the skies.
When Terry reached the peak, he told me that 4 other whom were at the back stopped at check point at 7.5km as they too had breathing problem and they turned back. Aiman whom made it just before the final 100M also failed to climb.
This means, from 8 of us only 2 made it to the peak. Phew....I realised only 30% of the Malaysian climbers made it and 99% of the foreigners makes it to the peak. It took 3 hours and 30 minutes to reach the peak.
Then we started to get down to base camp. It was another mental torture as the rocks were slippery and I was only wearing my running shoe. Towards the rope, I had to just rely on my arm strength to get down. Look like I must start working on my biceps and triceps.
Of course it was faster to get down as we took 1 hours and 50 minutes. We rested and took our breakfast before getting down to the place we started. But this time, we used other trail called "Timpohan Trail" which is relatively easier as it was only downstream with distance of 6km. And we made it within 2 and half hours.
Took our lunch at Kinabalu park before heading to KK Town which was another 2 hours journey.
we checked into Imperil hotel, 3 star only which was opposite a shopping complex.
Went for leg massage and thereafter for dinner and got back to bed. The next day, we went for body massage and shopping before heading to Airport and back to Home sweet Home.
I'm really sick now with flu and fever. My thighs' were really aching with my calves.
Hope to recover soon.
Now I'm feeling as If I have conquered the whole world. It;s an mega achievement for me. As what Napoleon said " What mind believes, Body can achieve it". Just be focus and don't let it to get distracted.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Know This Person - G.Shanti

She liked the idea of team spirit, which explains why she favoured hockey over athletics in her early school years, even though her brother was national sprinter G. Sivalingam.
She excelled in hockey and was selected to represent Perak in 1984. Within two years, she was good enough to make the national team to the Asian Games.
Although the national team finished fourth, her on-field play caught the attention of athletics coach Ishtiaq Mubarak. Shanti’s running technique, it was decided, would be perfect for sprints.
While working in a local bank, Shanti decided to give sprints a shot by participating in an Inter-Bank meet. Her courtship with sprints moved one notch higher when she was selected to represent Selangor in 1987.
A believer in the adage, No Pain No Gain, Shanti pushed herself on a ritual of pumping iron, explosive drills, hard running practices and endurance training.
Shanti’s first exposure to international competition came in 1989 at the KL SEA Games. She managed to win only one Silver medal in the 4X100m relay. She also failed to make a mark at the Beijing Asian Games.
After a series of disasters and false starts, Shanti, at the age of 30, made stunning return at the 1997 Jakarta SEA Games by winning the 100m Gold, ending a 16-year dry spell for Malaysian women.
She also won the Gold in the 200m event.Her victories in Jakarta made her the fastest woman in South-East Asia and it was a fitting tribute that she was honoured as Sportswoman of the Year in 1998.
The best part was, she came back in 1997 after giving birth to her 1st child and became super mum on the track.
G. Shanti lived by her personal motto : Never give up on your dreams.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Mukeash Ambani will be the Richest Man in the World in 2014

“One of the predictions is that Reliance Industries’ chief Ambani, who currently has a net worth of US$29bil, pips the world’s richest man Mexican businessman Carlos Slim to top Forbes’ rich list in 2014,” Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted the magazine as saying.
Ambani’s net worth swells to US$62bil while Slim is “hit hard by Mexican political, financial chaos,” according to the prediction by Forbes.
53-year-old Ambani currently ranks fourth on Forbes’ list of the world’s billionaires.
Forbes has listed a number of events that could happen over the next 10 years in the field of politics, energy, medicine, finance, society and technology.
The publication asked its staff and contributors to forecast some of the “noteworthy events” till 2020.
“A vision of the coming decade sketched from real data, projections and facts whenever possible though we’ve injected a dose of rigorous science fiction to fill the gaps,” Forbes said about its special 2020 report called ‘What Happens Next Our Look Ahead’.
Current World richest man (top 5):
1. Carlos Slim (Mexico)
2. Bill Gates (USA)
3. Warrent Buffet (USA)
4. Mukesh Ambani (India)
5. Lakshmi Mittal (India)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Know This Person - P.T. USHA

Made International debut in 1980 Moscow Olympic Games. She finished first in the semi-finals of the 400 metres hurdles in the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics, but faltered in the finals. In almost a repeat of Milkha Singh's 1960 feat, there was a nail-biting photo finish for the third place. Usha lost the bronze by 1/100th of a second.
She became the first Indian woman (and the fifth Indian) to reach the final of an Olympic event by winning her 400 m hurdles Semi-final.
Usha has won 101 international medals so far. She is employed as an officer in the Southern Railways. In 1985, she was conferred the Padma Shri (equivalent to Dato’)
Her running career was between 1980 till 1999 (she retired in 1994 and came back in 1998). She even took part in Malaysian Open in 1987 and became the Best Athlete in 1986 Asian Games.
Her other achievements:
3 Olympic Games (80,84,88)
5 Asian Games (98,94,90,86,82)
Her quotes: "I feel something is missing in my life if I am not running"
Friday, September 10, 2010
UM drops to shit again
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) all improved on their 2009 positions.
UKM is ranked 263 this year compared to 291 in 2009; USM at 309 (314) and UPM is 319 (345).
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) dropped to 365 this year compared to 320 in 2009.
Higher Education Minister Datuk Seri Mohamed Khaled Nordin told The Star it was NORMAL (tak apa attitude) to see fluctuation in the rankings.
“We do not want to be obsessive about world rankings,” he said.
The ministry, he added, had its own strategic plan which was benchmarked against world’s best practices, and would take note of the rankings.
“We also cannot be ‘ranked’ against other universities whose ‘conditions’ and ‘environments’ are different from ours. It is like comparing apples with oranges,” he said.
QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd managing director Nunzio Quacquarelli said the QS which conducts and compiles the annual World University Rankings measures university research quality, graduate employability, teaching commitment and international commitment.
“QS rankings use a combination of global surveys and audited data, including citation counts from Scopus, the world’s largest database of academic publishing,” he said in a statement to The Star.
How to have quality students if the unversity is only producing book muggers, cowards who can't think and just nod the head as per the deputy vice chancelor's words.
Worst case, the deputy chancelor is an UMNO man.
Student POWER is dead. When it becomes alive, ranking too will become alive.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Area G3 Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest
These 2 problem came with 1 resolution which was joining YSP SAH TMC (name to be changed soon). The division governor, NJ Singam, approached me to be member of the club as he wanted to revive the club and change to to bilingual Tamil club. I quickly agreed as it opens the door to move forward.
Initially, I thought of representing my home club (DKC Tmc) for Humorous and the new club for evaluation. As Murphy's law say, "If things to happen, It will happen". And it happened. Both the Area Contest and Division Contest fall on the same date and to make it worse, the division contest fall on the same time.
So I had to make a mega decision whether to represent the new club or DKC. Since top 2 winners will qualify in the Area for Division G, I chose to represent YSP SAH.
The other clubs in the Area was HELP College, Midvalley and Money&You. I knew HELP college will be my main threat, but Midvalley are the "Dark Horses".
There were five contestants for both contest. I was the first speaker, the number that I don't like. Upon computing the ballot, the results was announced and it was:
First Place: Calvin Chai (Midvalley) - spoke with broken English with no message
Second Place: Loh Chiah Hur (Midvalley) - spoke with slang and lack of humor
Third Place: Jason Moi (HELP) - over acted by making the speech with no originality
And I was unplaced. What the heck!!!!!! First time I contesting with no placing for me. Damn, I was at least expecting 3rd place.
It's alright, then the evaluation contest. Last year's incident was still in my memory where I was disqualified at the club itself. I knew I'm not going to repeat it. I was the fifth evaluator. That gave me a bit of advantage, as I had time to recall the speech, organise and rehearse my evaluation.
As I stepped on the stage, I was the only one without paper and didn't use lectern. That gave me a bit of advantage as it would attract the judges eye's.
Upon presentation, I felt confident and I knew top 2 was in my hand. And the results were announced:
First Place:Jason Moi (HELP)
Second Place: YOURS TRULY
Third Place: Loh Chiah Hur (Midvalley)
I heard it was a stiff competition, but what I understand was I need to go more deeper on the content and the champion just overacted.
My aim to be Area Champ is still in dream. Anyway, as consolation, I'm going to Division G evaluation Contest and aim to defy the odds to win the title though Hadzrin (UEM Academy) and Jason will be my threat again to take away the title from me.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Samy Velu won't leave this year
But he gave an arrogant statement by saying, "Some people do not like me and they want me to leave during the night (quietly and without much fanfare). I have my own plan and I will go when I desire and that too during the day (to exit in style).
Looks like he will only go out when he is already tarnish his name 200%. I don't know why he is still adamant on his position until his family also became rubbish. The wife is staying separately. The son also had problem with murder case. The daughter is also staying separately.
I think, MIC can only come up, if some educated and person with common sense takes up the position.
KNOW this person - Tan Sri Dr M Jegathesan

Larian Patriotik - 30 Aug'10