I couldnt join my usual group as I came back late from workon Frday. Thus I went to track to do some short sprints yesterday. I realise I need to buck up on my track.
However, today I decided to do 20km. I stated at 6am from the Playground at Lake Gardens. Here's my route: Lake Garden --> Bank Negara-->Bkt Tunku -->Income tax Dept--> Hartamas and run back on reverse order.
As I was going through Bank Negara, I saw 3 runners running, so I just followed them. They said they are going to do 25km but same pit stop at Petronas. So pace with them. Upon reaching income tax Dept, they took the GE route with is 3km longer then came back to normal route.
Upon having 5 minutes break at Petronas, I countinued back. The weather was cold and not warm as the previous run. I didnt bring water with me and my throat started to dry upon recing Stadium. But I still continued. Luckily, at Tijani Hill, there's was a bungalow wheer the pipe was fixed out side. So we took, a short pit stop to refresh ourself.
Then as usual continue till finishing line.
Suddenly I saw my neighbour, doing slow jog at Carcosa. So I companied her for 2 loops.
Overall I manage to cover 30km today. Atleast something beofre the big day.
My next race would be Klang Half Marathon on 7th June'09.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Submission of New Officer List for term 2009/2010
Fellow members,
We are just less than 35 days before the term comes to an end.
As most of us are striving hard to finish the term in a good note and others are in midst of preparing for AGM.
Do remember that, you can already submit your new officer list for term 2009/2010 via online. It carries 0.5 DCP points if the club submits the list by June 30th,2009.
Current term every club had submitted the list on time and were awarded 0.5 DCP points. How about the upcoming term? The choice is in your hand.
We are just less than 35 days before the term comes to an end.
As most of us are striving hard to finish the term in a good note and others are in midst of preparing for AGM.
Do remember that, you can already submit your new officer list for term 2009/2010 via online. It carries 0.5 DCP points if the club submits the list by June 30th,2009.
Current term every club had submitted the list on time and were awarded 0.5 DCP points. How about the upcoming term? The choice is in your hand.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Circuit Run 2 - 23 May'09
The first night race in my entire life. Although I used to train at night nowadays but never raced. It was raining since I left home. I had to stop 3 times and yet got wet in the rain.
I planned to do extra 3 loops(6.9km) prior to the race. But everything went hay wire.
The race started at 8:25pm (suppose to be 7:30pm). I paced Ronnie for 2 loops then realised he had his own pace. I didn't wanted to stress myself. Therefore, continued on my own pace. I could feel the tiredness upon 4th lap, nevertheless, the race has to go on.
I took water at every lap. Upon reaching 7th lap, I took half packet of "POWER Gel" to ensure I dont feel hungry and took another half at 9th lap. Upon 8th lap, I took Gatorade to ensure I'm not dehydrated. I poured water on myself to sustain the coolness in my body.
Yet i started feeling pain at my left calf during my 11th lap. Luckly, I saw Kenny Tan, and he paced me. My aim yesterday was just to finish the race and I made it.
I did had doubt on my capability to ru Marathon. Whatever, Just do it.
I came back, had Poori,Tandoori and Fresh Milk for Dinner and went to bed at 2am.
What : der Pacemakers Circuit Run 2
When : 23rd May 2009
Where : Tapak A, Lake Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Time : 8.30pm
Men Open :
01) 2'03'20 - Casey Lim Khon Seng
02) 2'14'56 - Jasni Khairil
03) 2'16'58 - Murali Nathan
04) 2'17'16 - Jack Toh Wai Kuen
05) 2'24'30 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37
06) 2'26'24 - Alam Shah
07) 2'27'54 - Rozmi bin Yunus
08) 2'28'37 - Ronnie See, Pm1
09) 2'32'33 - Ng Kam Chee
10) 2'32'33 - Lui Yuan Long
11) 2'33'17 - Daniel Tan Soo Liang
12) 2'33'35 - Azlan Norul Anhar
13) 2'34'24 - Chen Keat Hoong, Pm8
14) 2'36'56 - Meyyappa Manickam, Pm58
15) 2'38'05 - Zulazlan bin Ibrahim, Pm43
16) 2'41'55 - Loong Shih Gin
17) 2'42'53 - Silahuddin bin Salim
18) 2'46'40 - Lai Fong Sang, Pm38
19) 2'46'52 - Vincent Wong, Pm10
20) 2'48'15 - Kenny Tan Hock Chye, Pm27
21) 2'49'00 - Chin Yong Heng
22) 2'49'03 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35
23) 2'49'20 - Azhar Johari
24) 2'50'09 - Richard Tang
25) 2'52'24 - Suhaimi Ismail
26) 2'53'20 - Asmadi Abdullah
27) 2'54'35 - Rujhan Mohamad
28) 2'55'44 - Shafarudin Awang Kasa
29) 2'56'28 - Cheang Choon Wah
30) 2'56'30 - Tay Poh Chye
31) 3'00'42 - Tan Wah Sing
32) 3'04'27 - Lee Yee Sum
33) 3'05'23 - Mohd Fadzli bin Mohd Yusoff
34) 3'04'11 - Wong Sai Keong
35) 3'06'41 - Chan Sai Chun
36) 2'54'12 - Lim Keat Seong
37) 3'09'36 - Shine Teh Yee Chuan
38) 3'10'05 - Zamanhuri bin Otin
39) 3'09'22 - Chan Wai Yee
40) 3'11'40 - Chau Kok Yik
41) 3'12'46 - Zaaba bin Otin
42) 3'14'44 - Phooi Rong Vei
43) 3'15'30 - Lim Kim Keong
44) 3'16'54 - Chew Wee Shea
45) 3'17'07 - Goh Shu Wei
46) 3'17'40 - Mohd Zaki bin Mansor
47) 3'19'04 - Wong Kim Choy
48) 3'19'40 - Chin Thiam Fatt
49) 3'19'50 - Ho Voon See
50) 3'19'50 - Patmanathan s/o Vengu
51) 3'20'41 - Yap Siak Koon
52) 3'20'50 - Mohamad Saiful bin Razawan
53) 3'21'44 - Lim Tham Yen
54) 3'22'22 - Mohd Zaini bin Mansor
55) 3'22'55 - Liew Soon Choy
56) 3'24'57 - William Chan, Pm36
57) 3'26'38 - Steven Khoo
58) 3'27'00 - Chanthiran Sivaperuman
59) 3'27'35 - Chuah Seih Seng
60) 3'29'40 - Chong Hze Hau
61) 3'30'18 - Koo Wai Hong
62) 3'34'50 - Ng Heok Kheng
63) 3'38'52 - Liew Soon Keong
64) 3'39'43 - Sharafi bin Abdullah Fauzi
65) 3'40'09 - Kunasegaran Maniveloo
66) 3'40'10 - Kang Hok Beng
67) 3'43'09 - Chandran Kannan
68) 3'46'46 - Lawrence Law Lee Kuon
69) 3'50'14 - Mohd Rashidi Yusof
70) 3'50'25 - Mohamed Jaafar bin Mohd Abd Hamid
71) 3'51'24 - Loh Kian Kok
72) 3'51'46 - Khoo Kong Wah
73) 3'56'50 - Cheng Fook Wah
74) 3'58'55 - Mohammad Rohaimy Abdul Rahim
75) 3'58'55 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55
76) 4'02'40 - Mohd Khairul Anuar
77) 4'07'02 - Muhammad Bin Yaakob
78) 4'07'30 - Gary Chin
79) 4'08'40 - Kevin Choong
80) 4'14'00 - Tan Chee Han
81) 4'21'40 - Aplaidoo s/o Rama Nayadoo
I planned to do extra 3 loops(6.9km) prior to the race. But everything went hay wire.
The race started at 8:25pm (suppose to be 7:30pm). I paced Ronnie for 2 loops then realised he had his own pace. I didn't wanted to stress myself. Therefore, continued on my own pace. I could feel the tiredness upon 4th lap, nevertheless, the race has to go on.
I took water at every lap. Upon reaching 7th lap, I took half packet of "POWER Gel" to ensure I dont feel hungry and took another half at 9th lap. Upon 8th lap, I took Gatorade to ensure I'm not dehydrated. I poured water on myself to sustain the coolness in my body.
Yet i started feeling pain at my left calf during my 11th lap. Luckly, I saw Kenny Tan, and he paced me. My aim yesterday was just to finish the race and I made it.
I did had doubt on my capability to ru Marathon. Whatever, Just do it.
I came back, had Poori,Tandoori and Fresh Milk for Dinner and went to bed at 2am.
What : der Pacemakers Circuit Run 2
When : 23rd May 2009
Where : Tapak A, Lake Garden, Kuala Lumpur
Time : 8.30pm
Men Open :
01) 2'03'20 - Casey Lim Khon Seng
02) 2'14'56 - Jasni Khairil
03) 2'16'58 - Murali Nathan
04) 2'17'16 - Jack Toh Wai Kuen
05) 2'24'30 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37
06) 2'26'24 - Alam Shah
07) 2'27'54 - Rozmi bin Yunus
08) 2'28'37 - Ronnie See, Pm1
09) 2'32'33 - Ng Kam Chee
10) 2'32'33 - Lui Yuan Long
11) 2'33'17 - Daniel Tan Soo Liang
12) 2'33'35 - Azlan Norul Anhar
13) 2'34'24 - Chen Keat Hoong, Pm8
14) 2'36'56 - Meyyappa Manickam, Pm58
15) 2'38'05 - Zulazlan bin Ibrahim, Pm43
16) 2'41'55 - Loong Shih Gin
17) 2'42'53 - Silahuddin bin Salim
18) 2'46'40 - Lai Fong Sang, Pm38
19) 2'46'52 - Vincent Wong, Pm10
20) 2'48'15 - Kenny Tan Hock Chye, Pm27
21) 2'49'00 - Chin Yong Heng
22) 2'49'03 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35
23) 2'49'20 - Azhar Johari
24) 2'50'09 - Richard Tang
25) 2'52'24 - Suhaimi Ismail
26) 2'53'20 - Asmadi Abdullah
27) 2'54'35 - Rujhan Mohamad
28) 2'55'44 - Shafarudin Awang Kasa
29) 2'56'28 - Cheang Choon Wah
30) 2'56'30 - Tay Poh Chye
31) 3'00'42 - Tan Wah Sing
32) 3'04'27 - Lee Yee Sum
33) 3'05'23 - Mohd Fadzli bin Mohd Yusoff
34) 3'04'11 - Wong Sai Keong
35) 3'06'41 - Chan Sai Chun
36) 2'54'12 - Lim Keat Seong
37) 3'09'36 - Shine Teh Yee Chuan
38) 3'10'05 - Zamanhuri bin Otin
39) 3'09'22 - Chan Wai Yee
40) 3'11'40 - Chau Kok Yik
41) 3'12'46 - Zaaba bin Otin
42) 3'14'44 - Phooi Rong Vei
43) 3'15'30 - Lim Kim Keong
44) 3'16'54 - Chew Wee Shea
45) 3'17'07 - Goh Shu Wei
46) 3'17'40 - Mohd Zaki bin Mansor
47) 3'19'04 - Wong Kim Choy
48) 3'19'40 - Chin Thiam Fatt
49) 3'19'50 - Ho Voon See
50) 3'19'50 - Patmanathan s/o Vengu
51) 3'20'41 - Yap Siak Koon
52) 3'20'50 - Mohamad Saiful bin Razawan
53) 3'21'44 - Lim Tham Yen
54) 3'22'22 - Mohd Zaini bin Mansor
55) 3'22'55 - Liew Soon Choy
56) 3'24'57 - William Chan, Pm36
57) 3'26'38 - Steven Khoo
58) 3'27'00 - Chanthiran Sivaperuman
59) 3'27'35 - Chuah Seih Seng
60) 3'29'40 - Chong Hze Hau
61) 3'30'18 - Koo Wai Hong
62) 3'34'50 - Ng Heok Kheng
63) 3'38'52 - Liew Soon Keong
64) 3'39'43 - Sharafi bin Abdullah Fauzi
65) 3'40'09 - Kunasegaran Maniveloo
66) 3'40'10 - Kang Hok Beng
67) 3'43'09 - Chandran Kannan
68) 3'46'46 - Lawrence Law Lee Kuon
69) 3'50'14 - Mohd Rashidi Yusof
70) 3'50'25 - Mohamed Jaafar bin Mohd Abd Hamid
71) 3'51'24 - Loh Kian Kok
72) 3'51'46 - Khoo Kong Wah
73) 3'56'50 - Cheng Fook Wah
74) 3'58'55 - Mohammad Rohaimy Abdul Rahim
75) 3'58'55 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55
76) 4'02'40 - Mohd Khairul Anuar
77) 4'07'02 - Muhammad Bin Yaakob
78) 4'07'30 - Gary Chin
79) 4'08'40 - Kevin Choong
80) 4'14'00 - Tan Chee Han
81) 4'21'40 - Aplaidoo s/o Rama Nayadoo
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Training - 19 May'09
Place - Kompleks Sukan Bkt Kiara
Route - Bkt Kiara Sports Complex --> Sime Darby Convention Centre --> Sprint Highway --> Bkt Kiara Sports Complex (1.6km)
Loops: 6
Total Distance : 9.6km+ run back to Royal Selangor Club (0.4km) = 10km
Time: 55minutes
Comment: I took a break after Sunday's run and did a slow run today. Since I'm alone at my work, I manage to "cabut" early for training and go back working after that. Can you imagine, Im still working while typing this blog. Whatever, I did 10km. I'm happy abt it. Try to do another one on Thursday before the Night Race.
Route - Bkt Kiara Sports Complex --> Sime Darby Convention Centre --> Sprint Highway --> Bkt Kiara Sports Complex (1.6km)
Loops: 6
Total Distance : 9.6km+ run back to Royal Selangor Club (0.4km) = 10km
Time: 55minutes
Comment: I took a break after Sunday's run and did a slow run today. Since I'm alone at my work, I manage to "cabut" early for training and go back working after that. Can you imagine, Im still working while typing this blog. Whatever, I did 10km. I'm happy abt it. Try to do another one on Thursday before the Night Race.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
New Balance 15km - 17 May'09
Since I didn't do any mileage this week, I thought of joining Ronnie and the team for additional tarining today prior to the race. I joinedthem half way through for 3 loops only. The rest did 7 loops.
We were well warmed, but we had to start from the back as the front rows weer packed with runners. I was stuck right at the middle and upon flag off, the people started walking.
"Excuse me, it's a Run, not a walk" . Therefore I couldn't move out from the croud till the Bukit Aman. Then only, i started overtaking people. However, the front group widened the gap. Thus I was left behind. When I was at Bank Negara, I sawRonnie, but due to his tirednes, he aks me to go first.
Although I started from the back, I never allowed anyone to overtake me. Whoever overtakes me in between, I ensure myself to catch them back. This was an encouargement for me as I can see pelathons infront me and when I overtake them, my placing jumps atleat by 5 spots each time.
The beauty of the race is, it's definely a chalelnging route with many hilly task and the organisers doesn't stick to one particuylar route every year as they tends to cahge it annualy to make the race interesting.
I maintaned the pace and and increase steadyly tyil finishing line. The best part was, I overtake 2 person atthe last 50metre of the race.
Overall, I did 15.11km plus 6.69km which comes to 21km sub. The timing of my race was 1:14.10. Altough I expected more, but it was another learning curve for me.
My next race would be "The Night Race".
We were well warmed, but we had to start from the back as the front rows weer packed with runners. I was stuck right at the middle and upon flag off, the people started walking.
"Excuse me, it's a Run, not a walk" . Therefore I couldn't move out from the croud till the Bukit Aman. Then only, i started overtaking people. However, the front group widened the gap. Thus I was left behind. When I was at Bank Negara, I sawRonnie, but due to his tirednes, he aks me to go first.
Although I started from the back, I never allowed anyone to overtake me. Whoever overtakes me in between, I ensure myself to catch them back. This was an encouargement for me as I can see pelathons infront me and when I overtake them, my placing jumps atleat by 5 spots each time.
The beauty of the race is, it's definely a chalelnging route with many hilly task and the organisers doesn't stick to one particuylar route every year as they tends to cahge it annualy to make the race interesting.
I maintaned the pace and and increase steadyly tyil finishing line. The best part was, I overtake 2 person atthe last 50metre of the race.
Overall, I did 15.11km plus 6.69km which comes to 21km sub. The timing of my race was 1:14.10. Altough I expected more, but it was another learning curve for me.
My next race would be "The Night Race".
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Indian's Money
According to MIC president and MIED chairman Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, only RM34,907,357.83 has been repaid from loans amounting to around RM90mil.
MIED, the educational arm of MIC, has disbursed around RM90mil through 12,500 study loans for around 9,500 students since its inception in 1984. The Star, 14 May'09
My Comment:
If its loan, you are suppose to repay it so that other Indians can benefit from it. Now I realise, Indians are killing Indians. Thus, we don't need other races to segregate us.
MIED, the educational arm of MIC, has disbursed around RM90mil through 12,500 study loans for around 9,500 students since its inception in 1984. The Star, 14 May'09
My Comment:
If its loan, you are suppose to repay it so that other Indians can benefit from it. Now I realise, Indians are killing Indians. Thus, we don't need other races to segregate us.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Malaysian University Ranking (Updated)
Meanwhile, UM vice-chancellor Prof Datuk Dr Ghauth Jasmon said he was happy with the results.
“We will continue to work hard until we get to within the top 100 in the THE-QS World University Rankings,” he said.
Prof Ghauth had said after his appointment as V-C last year that he had set a top 200 target in the THE-QS World University Rankings in two years’ time and top 100 in five years. - The Star 13/5/09
My Comment:
Why it takes another 5 years to go into top 100 in the world? After 2004, it will be in 2014 to see UM in top100. Does this means that we can only have UM in top 100 for every 100 years once?
KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Malaya (UM) led four other Malaysian universities into the Top 100 Asian Universities list, the first regional ranking issued by The Times Higher Education (THE) Quacquarelli Symonds (Qs).
UM clinched 39th spot. The other four universities were Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (51st), Universiti Sains Malaysia (69th), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (82nd) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (90th).
QS managing director Nunzio Quacquarelli said the result of the QS.com Asian University Rankings was based on regional relevant measures of excellence.
“The top performing universities were distinguished not only by quality but also by high productivity of research, compared to their regional peers,” he said in a statement here yesterday.
He said Malaysian universities performed well, with high numbers of international students and faculties, which made Malaysia an attractive option for international students.
Number one is University of Hong Kong followed by Chinese University of Hong Kong and
University of Tokyo. — Bernama
Meyya's Comment:
When I was pursuing my final year in UM (2004/05), the University ranked 88th in the world and 19th in Asia. Nothing to be proud of based on above statement. Our universities are still doing bad. We need students who are Global and Vocal who has critical thinking mind.
“We will continue to work hard until we get to within the top 100 in the THE-QS World University Rankings,” he said.
Prof Ghauth had said after his appointment as V-C last year that he had set a top 200 target in the THE-QS World University Rankings in two years’ time and top 100 in five years. - The Star 13/5/09
My Comment:
Why it takes another 5 years to go into top 100 in the world? After 2004, it will be in 2014 to see UM in top100. Does this means that we can only have UM in top 100 for every 100 years once?
KUALA LUMPUR: Universiti Malaya (UM) led four other Malaysian universities into the Top 100 Asian Universities list, the first regional ranking issued by The Times Higher Education (THE) Quacquarelli Symonds (Qs).
UM clinched 39th spot. The other four universities were Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (51st), Universiti Sains Malaysia (69th), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (82nd) and Universiti Putra Malaysia (90th).
QS managing director Nunzio Quacquarelli said the result of the QS.com Asian University Rankings was based on regional relevant measures of excellence.
“The top performing universities were distinguished not only by quality but also by high productivity of research, compared to their regional peers,” he said in a statement here yesterday.
He said Malaysian universities performed well, with high numbers of international students and faculties, which made Malaysia an attractive option for international students.
Number one is University of Hong Kong followed by Chinese University of Hong Kong and
University of Tokyo. — Bernama
Meyya's Comment:
When I was pursuing my final year in UM (2004/05), the University ranked 88th in the world and 19th in Asia. Nothing to be proud of based on above statement. Our universities are still doing bad. We need students who are Global and Vocal who has critical thinking mind.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Toastmasters International Proxy Form

Please sign up the Form and mail it to Joseph Gomez (address is stated at the Form) else you can hand deliver it to Ritchie (district LGET) or Francis Ng (In-coming District LGM).
BOMBA RUN - 10 May'09
This is my 1st ever time running back to back Road Race on 2 consecutive days. My calfs were aching, but I applied muscle cream to tone it down.
When I arrived at the venue, I saw Veronica (Hot Portuguese Girl) . So I was chatting with her till 6.50pm. My mind was relaxed. Then I did a short warm up before going to the starting line. My target was to finish within top 75.
The flag off was performed by Minister of Housing & Local Goverment, Datuk Kong Cho Ha. Upon flagging off, everyone ran as if there's hurricane chasing them. I thought they would stop after 1 or 2 km but the group just continued running. I would probably placed among top 200 at that moment. I couldn't push much as I could feel my tiredness while running.
Runners who normally I sayur (i.e Kenny Tan, Nazib, Fazli) just overtook me and went in front. Upon reaching the water station, my legs were reluctant to move. I just took small steps towards the hill till the Indian High Commission. Eventually, Suresh overtook me. That really brought down my motivation to run.
Then I realised. If I were to continue this pace, I will be back empty handed. Thus, I increased my pace by getting near to my front group and overtook them. Upon that I never allowed anyone to overtake me. My mind was just to overtake as many as possible. I manage to overtake Nazib, Fazli and Suresh before Parliament.
When I reached Parliament, I tried to follow the pace of my front group due to the uphill course. Upon that, I just went on my pace by having the school kids as my motivation to finish the race. When I crossed the line, I received the 52nd. Thank God. I manage to finish within top 75. My timing was 49:16.
It was a learning moment for me. I will never ever take part in back to back race.
My running mate's results:
38'56 - Richard Habeya, Pm26 (11th)
44'55 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37 (27th)
47'27 - Stanley Cheong, Pm53 (36th)
48'52 - Kenny Tan, Pm27 (50th)
49'16 - Meyyappa, Pm58 (52nd)
49'30 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35 (57th)
49'42 - Suresh, Pm47 (58th)
49'44 - Zulazlan Shah, Pm43 (59th)
49'49 - Bong Teck Yong (60th)
49'50 - Thurai Sarasaidy (61st)
51'05 - Nazib Ngainin, Pm14 (72nd)
53'48 - Frank Chong, Sub Pm6
54'21 - William Chan, Pm36
62'22 - William Tan
When I arrived at the venue, I saw Veronica (Hot Portuguese Girl) . So I was chatting with her till 6.50pm. My mind was relaxed. Then I did a short warm up before going to the starting line. My target was to finish within top 75.
The flag off was performed by Minister of Housing & Local Goverment, Datuk Kong Cho Ha. Upon flagging off, everyone ran as if there's hurricane chasing them. I thought they would stop after 1 or 2 km but the group just continued running. I would probably placed among top 200 at that moment. I couldn't push much as I could feel my tiredness while running.
Runners who normally I sayur (i.e Kenny Tan, Nazib, Fazli) just overtook me and went in front. Upon reaching the water station, my legs were reluctant to move. I just took small steps towards the hill till the Indian High Commission. Eventually, Suresh overtook me. That really brought down my motivation to run.
Then I realised. If I were to continue this pace, I will be back empty handed. Thus, I increased my pace by getting near to my front group and overtook them. Upon that I never allowed anyone to overtake me. My mind was just to overtake as many as possible. I manage to overtake Nazib, Fazli and Suresh before Parliament.
When I reached Parliament, I tried to follow the pace of my front group due to the uphill course. Upon that, I just went on my pace by having the school kids as my motivation to finish the race. When I crossed the line, I received the 52nd. Thank God. I manage to finish within top 75. My timing was 49:16.
It was a learning moment for me. I will never ever take part in back to back race.
My running mate's results:
38'56 - Richard Habeya, Pm26 (11th)
44'55 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37 (27th)
47'27 - Stanley Cheong, Pm53 (36th)
48'52 - Kenny Tan, Pm27 (50th)
49'16 - Meyyappa, Pm58 (52nd)
49'30 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35 (57th)
49'42 - Suresh, Pm47 (58th)
49'44 - Zulazlan Shah, Pm43 (59th)
49'49 - Bong Teck Yong (60th)
49'50 - Thurai Sarasaidy (61st)
51'05 - Nazib Ngainin, Pm14 (72nd)
53'48 - Frank Chong, Sub Pm6
54'21 - William Chan, Pm36
62'22 - William Tan
Long Run - 9 May'09
It was one of my worst run ever. I wanted to do some mileage after long absence due to job and family commitment. Thus upon the Circuit Run, I wanted to do better. But things went the other way round. We started well and upon reaching the New Bank Negara Office, I started feeling the heat although it was only 6.10am. Anyway, I continued following them. At hilly areas, I will be left behind, but I managed to catch up towards down hill.
Upon reaching Petronas, we did 2 loops around the school and stopped for a water break. I just went to the pipe and wet myself due to the heat. Took some “Power Gel” to ensure I don’t fell hunger. We continued another 2 loops and made our 2nd and final water stop. I finished my Power Gel and ensured I’m fully refreshed with water.
The final phase was getting back to Bkt Aman. I followed the team till IRB. I could really move at the short hill course around IRB, that’s where PM Tey overtook me and I was left alone. But I caught them at the cross Junction of Jln Duta. Towards reaching Tijani Hills, the group left me behind. I was exhausted. My water finished. Thank God, there was a gardener who was watering the trees. I refilled my bottle and tried to continue running. My legs became tired. My steps became small. I just jogged all the way to the finishing line. I clocked 2:44.49, which was not a good one for 28km.
I took a bottle of Power Drink, a packet of Limau Ais and a bottle of 7up Revive. That's shows how thirstly am I after the race.
I got “screwed” by “someone” for not attending training and how am I going to run marathon without adequate mileage. But I gently said the KLIM’09 slogan “Run Your Race” which means go on your own PACE. I’m not targeting for top 20 or top 50 positions nor the sub 3hours or sub 4hours timing.
This is my 1st marathon, and my target is just to complete it and enjoy myself with the run. I’m not going to torture myself just like how I did last year in Half marathon and injured myself. I’m going to take it easy and finish it within the qualifying time of 6hours.
Everyone has their own PACE and capability. So do ME. Although I have work commitments, but I still manage to steal some time at night (around 9.30 ok) to do a short half hour run to ensure my body is fit.
Upon reaching Petronas, we did 2 loops around the school and stopped for a water break. I just went to the pipe and wet myself due to the heat. Took some “Power Gel” to ensure I don’t fell hunger. We continued another 2 loops and made our 2nd and final water stop. I finished my Power Gel and ensured I’m fully refreshed with water.
The final phase was getting back to Bkt Aman. I followed the team till IRB. I could really move at the short hill course around IRB, that’s where PM Tey overtook me and I was left alone. But I caught them at the cross Junction of Jln Duta. Towards reaching Tijani Hills, the group left me behind. I was exhausted. My water finished. Thank God, there was a gardener who was watering the trees. I refilled my bottle and tried to continue running. My legs became tired. My steps became small. I just jogged all the way to the finishing line. I clocked 2:44.49, which was not a good one for 28km.
I took a bottle of Power Drink, a packet of Limau Ais and a bottle of 7up Revive. That's shows how thirstly am I after the race.
I got “screwed” by “someone” for not attending training and how am I going to run marathon without adequate mileage. But I gently said the KLIM’09 slogan “Run Your Race” which means go on your own PACE. I’m not targeting for top 20 or top 50 positions nor the sub 3hours or sub 4hours timing.
This is my 1st marathon, and my target is just to complete it and enjoy myself with the run. I’m not going to torture myself just like how I did last year in Half marathon and injured myself. I’m going to take it easy and finish it within the qualifying time of 6hours.
Everyone has their own PACE and capability. So do ME. Although I have work commitments, but I still manage to steal some time at night (around 9.30 ok) to do a short half hour run to ensure my body is fit.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
My Wedding Photos
Sorry for the delay. I was figuring out how to upload the photos.
Some how manage to sort out.
Just click on it to view the photos.
Some how manage to sort out.
Just click on it to view the photos.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Circuit Run 1 - 1st May'09

This is my 1st run which is more than 16km after GE 30km Run. With lack of preparation due to work commitements, it really torn down my fitness level. But my determination to compete and complete the race was there burning.
I just wasnted to test my fitness and endurance level. Thus I started slow. It was relatively new route for me and 28km inclusive of high slope was chalenging for me.
I increased my pace upon 4th lap after overtaking Tan Wern Tien. I knew he has been training hard as I use to meet hi at night at Lake Garden. When i got passed him, I alerted me that, there's long way to go. Nevertheless, I continued with my pace. Soon after, I met Selva from Singapore. we chat while running for a km. Then he asked me to move on as he was exhausted.
I just continued running and overtook Hamidon who made wrong pacing by following the leading group. Upon then, I saw Daniel Tan, and he became my chatting mate for another km.
Then I was left alone. While chatting with Daniel, I met Dennis Wee, my Toastmaster buddy. He too started trining for KLIM (10km ) category. In jus showed him "hi" because i was rushing to finish the race.
As I reached 6th lap, the sun started striking on my head and i was feeling really thirsty. I took 2 cups of water at every lap. When i reached 9th lap, I accidently took 100+ and it upset my stomach. But I still continued. Reaching the final lap, thats wehere the real disaster started.
My right knee started aching and both my hands were cramped. My steps became smaller. My pacing slowed. I just jogged throughout the lap and completed the race.
The official anounced that I got 11th placing. I just tok off my shoes and walked towards the water station and finished off half bottle of 100+.
I told Daniel what happened to me during the final lap. He said that, the cramp could be due to lack of water and oxygen in my body. If I were to do another lap, I could have colapsed and could be threat to my life. Lucky man, I slowed down.
My next race will be BOMBA Run on 10th May. Im definetely eyeing to finish within 47minutes.
Men Open 28km Results:
01) 2'04'32 - Jasni Khairil
02) 2'10'35 - Naresh Kumar, Pm37
03) 2'13'14 - Murali Nathan
04) 2'14'03 - Alam Shah
05) 2'18'05 - Rozmi bin Yunus
06) 2'19'46 - Ronnie See, Pm1
07) 2'22'32 - Mohd Hamdi Baharuddin
08) 2'22'42 - Daniel Tan
09) 2'23'04 - Leow Choen Beng
10) 2'23'21 - Kamarul Faizal
11) 2'25'20 - Meyyappa Manickam, Pm58
12) 2'26'48 - Chen Keat Hoong, Pm8
13) 2'29'35 - Hamidon Mat Aris
14) 2'30'49 - Chin Teck Sin
15) 2'31'00 - Stanley Cheong, Pm53
16) 2'32'XX - Yuan Khai Heng
17) 2'34'20 - Ahmad Farid Elias
18) 2'34'41 - Selvaganesh Periasamy
19) 2'34'44 - Rujhan Mohamad
20) 2'34'55 - Lee Weng Khong, Pm35
21) 2'35'36 - Eugene Loong
22) 2'36'12 - Tay Poh Chye
23) 2'39'14 - Chan Wai Yee
24) 2'39'33 - Suresh, Pm47
25) 2'40'32 - Lee Yee Sum
26) 2'41'57 - Mohd Imran bin Anuar
27) 2'43'02 - Kenny Tan, Pm27
28) 2'44'05 - Tang Wern Tien
29) 2'47'17 - Paul Lee Boon Haw
30) 2'48'44 - Alex Sim
31) 2'51'30 - Edmund Yeoh Tay Beng
32) 2'54'44 - Wong Kei Ming, Pm55
33) 2'59'35 - Loh Wing Keen
34) 2'59'XX - Chu Poh Ong
35) 2'59'46 - Chuah Seih Seng
36) 3'04'15 - Lai Fong Sang, Pm38
37) 3'05'46 - Teh Seong Yee
38) 3'06'00 - Teng Chin Fatt
39) 3'06'57 - Lim Kim Keong
40) 3'08'59 - Goh Shu Wei
41) 3'10'07 - Soo Sheau Luen
42) 3'13'11 - Chew Wee Shea
43) 3'14'38 - Tee Tai Sun
44) 3'15'19 - Chandran Kannan
45) 3'16'23 - Mohd Fadzli bin Mohd Yusoff
46) 3'18'30 - Sharafi Abdullah Fauzi
47) 3'21'56 - Ng Heok Kheng
48) 3'24'16 - Patmanathan a/l Vengu
49) 3'24'55 - Khoo Kong Wah
50) 3'25'13 - Tan Chee Wee
51) 3'32'56 - Phooi Rong Vei
52) 3'33'02 - Steven Khoo
53) 3'32'56 - Lawrence Law Lee Kuon
54) 3'42'44 - Yap Siak Koon
55) 3'46'40 - Mohammad Rohaimy
56) 3'52'05 - Cheang Meng Wai, Pm6
56) 0'00'00 - Mohd Pauzi Hussin (DNF - 6 Loops)
57) 0'00'00 - Richard Tang (DNF - 6 Loops)
58) 0'00'00 - Nur Azhar bin Azizi (DNF - 5 Loops)
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