Sunday, September 6, 2009

Worst Division Contest

Yesterday I went to Division P Humorous Speech and Evaluation Contest.

I was suppose to be timer. The briefing suppose to be atb 1pm. I could not make it but I made it before 1.30, where it was the starting time for the contest. By the time, they already appointed Ron Low as my replacement. But he was generous to allow me to takeover since the contest is yet to begin and he knew that I have experience as Timer.

Suddenly, the "STUPID" shief judeg came and called me out of the room and said that I cant be the timer as I missed the briefing and she already briefed Ron Low as the timer. But I said to her that Ron Low doent mind to give the role to me back. But the lady said the same dialog again. This dialog took 5minutes. If she used her smartness, she could have used the same 5 minutes to brief me. It's just a simple role.

Now, I realise, experience not neccessary enhances the knowledge and smartness. Moreover, the org chair was so iressponsible, that, she never even thought of calling, just to find out wheter I will be late or not.

Next, was the sitting. There were no enough space for people to sit. Cant they get a bigger venue. hello, this is a division contest, ok. And they were happy to say that they got full house. Large crowd in a small room will off course projects it's like a full house. What if they had it in a bigger hall.

They charged RM15, but no food. Just because, the caterer will throw away the food after 4hours and the food arived at 11'oclock itself. Just because, the org chair is in Puasa, doesnt mean we need to puasa also. Wei, what did u all did with our RM15. This is clear sweandelling.

Only chief judge gets gift, the other judges got only a cheapskate Certificate.

They had dialog, but nobody dared to speak up becvause most of them were new to Toastmasters and the division councill members also doesnt know what to do as tehy have no creativity to think.

Luckily I was not from that division, Otherwise, teher could be a world war.

Hope this division will be matured enough to lead the members. Lokks like Rabbit is leading the tigers. Funny and crap division.

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