Sunday, February 21, 2021

Go to place where they respect, value and appreciate you


Few days ago I was given the opportunity to be part of the panel speakers for MIA Toastmasters, where it was a discussion on financial industry. I had previledge to share the stage (virtually) with senior member Mr.Chen and my MIA YPC buddy Richard.

While all of us are accountants, our task is to ensure the audience feel glad to be in the industry and ensure how they can enhance their career to ensure its not a boring career. 

It was a great experience with moderator Jeff, where the questions posed were related to softskills mainly on leadership and communication skills.

While there were many questions posed which was as part of the moderation, the main task of a speaker is to attract, influence and inspire the audience. While the moderations, there were many responses, and1 response which caught my attention was as attached above.

Someone, whom has been a stranger, and got connected through those few minutes is the art of the leader/communicator. We could have come from different background, genre, race/religion, but we shared the same motive/concept, which I felt as a great leader you would need to break all this conventional method or orthodox way of thinking.

While we have so many keyboard warriors, buy putting comments through fake profiles, here I'm seeing true people whom respects and appreciates for what you are and what you do.

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