Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Big squad at World Tour Finals


For the 1st time, Malaysia will be represented by 5 pairs in the BWF World Tour finals. Absence of Chinese Players, was capitalised by Malaysian team.

The surprising part was, Malaysia will be represented by 2 [airs in Women Doubles, which never happened in the history.

This will be a good platform for the men singles and men doubles to prove themselves. It's crucial for all the players, as it also serves as qualifier for the Tokyo Olympics.

As the pre-requisite was to participate in both Thailand Opens, and Malaysian team sent a full squad for the tournaments.

Though there were mixed reactions on their performance, as Malaysian team failed to win any titles from the 10 titles for grab. Nevertheless, we should take note that, these players didn't had international exposure/opportunities last years with the pandemic compared to the Europeans.

The only consolation they had was National Tournaments, which didn't test their full potential, although they were training for the whole year.

We hope, there would be at least 2 semifinalist or even good 1 finalist out of the 5 categories.

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