Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Big squad at World Tour Finals


For the 1st time, Malaysia will be represented by 5 pairs in the BWF World Tour finals. Absence of Chinese Players, was capitalised by Malaysian team.

The surprising part was, Malaysia will be represented by 2 [airs in Women Doubles, which never happened in the history.

This will be a good platform for the men singles and men doubles to prove themselves. It's crucial for all the players, as it also serves as qualifier for the Tokyo Olympics.

As the pre-requisite was to participate in both Thailand Opens, and Malaysian team sent a full squad for the tournaments.

Though there were mixed reactions on their performance, as Malaysian team failed to win any titles from the 10 titles for grab. Nevertheless, we should take note that, these players didn't had international exposure/opportunities last years with the pandemic compared to the Europeans.

The only consolation they had was National Tournaments, which didn't test their full potential, although they were training for the whole year.

We hope, there would be at least 2 semifinalist or even good 1 finalist out of the 5 categories.

Penang Thaipusam

Within the last few hours/wee hours, our HR Minister, Datuk M.Saravanan manage to convince the National Security Council to allow the Thaipusam chariot (silver chariot from Natthukottai Chettiar Temple)

Continuing an unbroken tradition for the past 164 years where the chariot departs from Penang Street and reaches Waterfalls road.

Obviously, the deputy Chief Minister, prof P.Ramasamy was unhappy an now he want to bring the temple committee to the court and take over the temple management.

This is what happens when Egoism and political difference comes over religious practise. 

Monday, January 25, 2021

MCO extended

With the cases are increasing, the MCO has been extended till February 4th for entire country except for Sarawak.

With rising of daily cases, which has been above 3k, a stronger step had to be taken by the government to reduce the cases.

Nevertheless, the restaurants operating hours has been extended to 10pm (previously 8pm), which gives more flexibility for people to move around.

It's Emergency status now

1. Civilian government will continue

2. No lockdown

3. Business as usual

4. No general assembly meeting

5. No election/bi-election for now

6. Special committee/task force will be formed

7. General election will be held upon completion of state of emergency

Nazri has pledged not to support Muhyidin. 2 other UMNO has also pledged previously not to support the PM. This means, the current government only have 109 seats, where they should be collapse.

But PM made a smart move to avoid another election or change of government, and went for emergency.

Till August 1 will be Emergency, but it can be call off earlier if things settle down.


 Summary of the speech :

1. Duration :13 Jan till 26 Jan 

Penang, KL, Putrajaya, Melaka, Johor, Sabah, Selangor – MCO

NS, Terenganu, Kelantan, Pahang, Kedah - CMCO 

Perlis & Sarawak - RMCO

2. No Social activities – conference, gathering

3. No interstate travel

4. No interdistrict travel for MCO states

5. Roadblocks will commence from 13 January

6. Travelling is allowed for 10km radius

7. 2 people per car is allowed for travelling

8. Economy – 5 sectors allowed to be opened – manufacturing, construction, commodity, farming, services – MITI will explain further details

9. For non-essential services - WFH

10. Restaurants – take way & delivery only

11. Schools are closed, except for SPM & STPM students (2020 & 2021 exam batch)

12. Jogging, cycling is allowed but not in groups

13. Religious place can be opened with controlled crowd, depending on the capacity of the temple.

Thursday, January 7, 2021

No Thaipusam in Penang for 2021

For the 1st time from my knowledge, there wont be any chariot possession, kavadi or paal kudam in Penang Thaipusam.

As the cases in the state also rising with red zones in both island and land, the state government took a cautious decision to ensure the state is still under safe hands/situation.

Furthermore, being administered by the opposition, I'm sure the news will spread on different ways should there be anew cluster found in the state, especially when interstate travel ban is lifted.

Nevertheless, both the temples will have their usual rituals (poojai) with controlled crowd. Obviously, people with young children or senior citizens are encouraged to stay away from the crowd.