Thursday, August 13, 2020

Your Time Shall Come


Just be focused and your time shall come.

While I started following Nicol David since 1992, it was my aim 1 day I shall meet her face to face and have a long chat with her.

In 1998 Commonwealth Games, I had the golden opportunity to meet her after her match at Bukit Jalil stadium.

Probably due to our tender young age, I was bold enough to ask her phone number and address. Obviously, she declined. My final wish was to take a picture with her, which she agreed.

Days passed, I wished I could have a longer chat with her.

She became a World Number 1 squash player, loads of accolades and voted as GOAT.

22 years later, the time came. Last Monday, I was given the honour/previledge to become emcee cum moderator for Nicol David's motivational talk/sharing session (including wishing her advance birthday wishes).

She was suppose to be in Malaysia, however due to the current situation, she was not able to fly, thus the session was conducted online.

Her attitude was humble, and she was professional on the points/opinions.

A great milestone for me in my speaking journey.

Her advise was be focused and leave out the negativity. You shall become successful.

My time shall come and it came last Monday....

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