Monday, March 18, 2019

Division W International Speech & Table Topics Contest 2019

"If at 1st you don't succeed, keep trying. One day you will achieve it"

These words materialised today when I became the champion for the Division Table Topics Contest.

It was my maiden division table topics title after attempting it for the past 14 years. I have achieved 3rd place 3 times and 2nd place 3 times in previous contest, just made me to wonder, when will be achieving the maiden pinnacle.

When most of my junior members are already reached the District level, i was merely lingering at the division level.

But today, it's all been answered. If Jack Elliot achieved his world championship after 25 attempts, I'm still achieve it.

It also completes my Grandslam titles for division contest (International Speech, Evaluation, Humorous Speech, Table Topics).

Going against the 5 other area champions from various backgrounds, made it a close call.

As icing of the cake, it was a double bonanza to win the division international speech contest too.

Now it's time to rock the District contest stage (national level) at Ipoh on 14th April.

I would like to thank my MIA tmc club members whom were there to give me moral support and cheers for my performance.

Now my sons will get new toys to play with. 😊

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