Friday, October 14, 2016

Non-digitize lady

I meet a lady few days ago whom born in 70s. She told me she's formerly from IBM and worked in HR department. Yet, she was still struggling to fill forms online. The form has no technical jargon or matters. It was just abot her particulars. Worse case, she was even struggling to scan documents. She came was asking my name and what i'm doing, but she was not bothered to introduce about her name.

I just waited for half hour, then realise, I was just wasting my time, as it's not necessary for me to be there guiding here.

Anyway, she is formerly from IT company and doesn't even know how to use computer for filling personal details. Worse case, being in HR department, does't even know how to present herself. anyway, bad people gives lesson. Good lesson learnt.

Perhaps, middle age syndrome haunted her.

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