Monday, May 11, 2015

District International Speech contest

It's my 3rd internal speech contest at district level and 7th overall. As last year was unplaced, this year i ensured I have a strong content to ensure I'm at the podium. I was the 2nd speaker. The 1st speaker set a the bar quite high and I manage to match it.

When I came down from stage, I had the confidence that I nailed it. When I compared with other contestants, I had confidence that my speech was better than them. Furthermore, my timing didn't exceed the red light.

Came results, my name was not even in the top 3 list. It was tough to digest. Sometimes, I feel, the voting should be like akedemi fantasia, which is via sms from the audience.

Anyway, my main objective of making a strong impact has materialised. You can do clowning on stage, or draw pictures, ended up, did the audience brought back something.

These were the comments I received from my good freinds:

Member 1:
I find you to be a very mesmerizing character and speaker. No matter what the results were the other day, to me and to many of us, you are a champ as your speech had so much "power", strength and motivation to people not to give up no matter what circumstances one is facing. 

Member 2:
You are awesome meyya. Never doubt that. Just keep going. Don't let anyone, small plastic trophy or limited minded people define who you are.

Member 3:
I don't understand why you were not placed. Anyway, try again until you prove them wrong.

Member 4:
Your speech was great. In my hear, you are the champion. One day you will bring back the trophy. You have the talent.

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