Monday, April 13, 2015

Division D International Speech & Table Topics Contest 2015

It's my 3rd attempt at Division level for International speech and Table Topic Contest. Having won the International speech at this level twice adds a bit pressure. Furthermore, facing season contestants i.e Victor Ong and Emil. Not to discount the rookies.

It's the same venue/hall as last term where I won the title. I was contestant number 7 for International Speech and 6 for Table topics. Both was 2nd last.

As my turn came, went up the stage confidently. As I started, there were response. The confidence built up. When I came to my final line, it was red light. So I was a bit nervous.

During the results announcement, Contest Chair announced, no time disqualification. I was in my peace then. 3rd place went to Jonathan from Sunway and 2nd place went to Kris from Kuantan. Finally, the champion was yours truly. The 1st International Speech champion for Division D.

For table topics, I was placed 3rd. I was not much focused on it, as my concentration was on speech and the run.

I immediately had to rush to Putrajaya for my SHAPE Run. Now I need to prepare for the District level (national level), which will have cream of crops.

It's time for Langkawi.

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