Friday, March 20, 2015

Dinner with opposition leaders

I have never attended any political talk before. But this time, as our country is screwing up, I thought of attending this event and witnessing the speeches by the leaders.

I wanted to take pictures with them, especially Nurul Izzah and Ambiga, but my phone battery died. forgot to bring the powerbank.

The speakers were really good. All had their style. I liked Ambiga and nurul izzah the best of the best.

When nurul izah and ambiga spoke, all the crowd was silent and fully focused on their speech.

Tony Puah spoke what actually happened to 1MDB fund, which made me really angry on the current government.

Nurul Izzah spoke about her father and how the family struggle to meet him. The jail committee only gives them 45 minutes on monthly basis.

Ambika spoke about the real truth on Anwar. The government rushed to settle the case but all other cases left pending.

Mat Sabu, a PAS member was open minded to attend dinner at Chinese temple. He was even humorous when he spoke about the government, especially rosmah mansor.

Selangor MB was open, and he spoke about water issue. Previously even to meet Khir toyo will be so challenging. But Azmin Ali was very casual.

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