Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Lee Chong Wei is tested positive

Finally, the results of doping is out and, Datuk Lee has been tested positive for dexamethasone in both his A and B samples and faces a possible maximum penalty of two years suspension. Currently, he has been suspended from taking part in any tournament till the final verdict by BWF is announced.

There could be a possibility of reducing the suspension term to 3 months if he is not found guilty. he admitted that he took the drugs for his stem cell repair in a private hospital. The blame game already started, where some says Datuk Lee is the cheat, another party blames hospital for not prescribing proper medication, on another side, NSI didn't monitor or instruct proper treatment for the injury.

Whatever it is, we can't cry over spilt milk. We will wait and see what BWF has to say. 

Till today, BWF nor Ministry is not revealing the name of the player but media knew that it's lee chong wei. I don't know, why are they hiding till today.

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