Friday, September 5, 2014

Sunway University TM Meeting

This club is close to my heart because I was the TME(emcee) for the club's 1st meeting in June 2012. Even at that time, the members enjoyed my presentation and manner that I handled the meeting. In addition, it's also club of my good toastmasters friend, Victor Ong. So I always attend the meeting whenever they invite me.

The club has been inviting me for the past 3 months and I have been delaying it, so I committed myself when VPE called me on Monday. Just hours before meeting, I was offered the TME role. It was a surprise, nevertheless, I wanted to give my best of best, furthermore, being TME for 2nd time for the club, the members did had some expectation from me.

As the meeting started, I took over the role, and it was all fun, happiness and enjoyment. The audience, whom were mostly student enjoyed the session. I could only see smiles and laughter for the whole meeting. Just after the meeting, few students asked tips and shared experience and of course, as toastmasters, we always share what we learn.

It was good atmosphere, which also evoke me to perform better. Really had good time.

It's good to go to places where they respect you and appreciate your contributions and feel more humble.

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