Friday, August 1, 2014

7 Gold target looks unachievable

The shooter fired blank and only had 1 bronze. Cycling to made disastrous outing by winning 1 bronze. Lawn Bowl ended their campaign with 1 silver and 1 bronze. This sports promised gold medal but did not achieved it.

Sports like Athletics, Swimming, Gymnastic (Artistic), Rugby, Hockey and Boxing finished empty handed.

In diving, very much anticipated gold was dashed when final minute of switch made the disaster. Usual combination of Pandelela and mun yee was twisted, ended up pandalela paring with rookie Dabitah and scored surprise bronze.

Hopes on squash double also went on smoke when Nicol-wee wern pair trashed in quarterfinals.

With 3 more days to go, our hopes are on badminton (at least 2 gold) and Diving (1more gold).

Currently we have 4 gold medals, 6 silver and 5 bronze. But it's not something which we can be proud of, as Singapore is above us. Minor countries like Grenada, Kribati and Papua New Genue has scored their mainden gold medals.

our best hauld was in Dehli with 12 golds. It's definetley cant be achieved now. Not even 10 golds.
OCM need to work out plan for asian games, else we will become a mid tier country in sports.

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