Saturday, May 24, 2014

NM Galaxy Run Part 2

It was only 15km, I thought it will be just the usual bukit tunku route. The runners were called to starting line, but there were no proper countdown. As i was in the front 3 lines, i escaped the slow running group. But, after the wisma tani u-turn, the run became messy. there were no proper border lines, although the check point was there.

After the hockey stadium, they requested us to turn into the bus terminal and the tough task started. It was a steep hill around 500m. I never ran in that route before. When comes to down hill, it was also steep, thus i had to control my speed. Nevertheless, I used that chance to overtake few runner.

When  though the race was almost over, there was another hill which was also steep and curvy. It really broke the distance between the runner n front of me and behind me.

There were distance marker at every 3km and adequate water stations. perhaps, could have more counter for drinks,as we had to queue up for a while.

There was milo, cereal, banana and 100+. perhaps, another food / dish would have been better for runners as they were rushing for breakfast.

My timing was 1:18, which was not great. will work to push it below. 

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