Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Obama's visit to Malaysia

I could personally share something on his visit to Malaysia, as I was stuck in the trafic due to road block at Kampung Baru and withess both his cars pass by in front of me with dozens of police escorts.

Next, he stayed at Ritz Carlton and hotels nearby it were in tight security and I had to be checked by dogs and bomb squads by the secret agents and USA security. For a while I felt as if I was visiting OBAMA.

Though it was a short trip for him, he maximized it, by visiting the ASEAN students forum, MAGIC exhibition, signing of 3 MOU worth USD2bil and of course having dinner with King and Prime Minister.

The good thing I liked was his speech to the students at UM where his message was not to marginalised anyone, especially living in Muslim countries.

Of course Anwar Ibrahim too wants to meet him, but it would not be appropriate for him to meet Anwar as Obama is on official trip. Nevertheless, I suspect Obama's officers or party member would have meet Anwar and his team separately.

Anyway, looks like it will take another 30 years for next USA president to visit Malaysia.

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