Sunday, March 9, 2014

Brooks Run - 9 March'14

I'm back here after 3 years. I planned to take part in 5km as I was to gain fitness before going for longer distance. Since, I was in top 10 in 2010 and 2011, I had sight if I can squeeze into top 10 again.

Nevertheless, We had seasoned runner Jothpal, several school state runners. It started at 6.10am and sharp flag off. I was going at 4 minute pace for 1st km and manage to break from the pelathon and got into the leading group.

The 1st 500M itself was a uphill/slope, thus it manage to break us from the slow running group. Nevertheless, it also broke me from the group and made me to go on my own for the rest of 4km.

As we reached 2nd km, we were joined with 21km runners. There was a marshal sounded "why 5km runners are running with 21km?" looks like he didn't understand the running route well.

It was a simple route without much turning though it had 2 to 3 slopes. There was a water station which needed to refresh ourself.

As we get int final 1km, we had the 10km runners with us and as I saw the Bukit Jalil LRT, I knew I have to finish it by making speed moves.

My timing was 26:37, which initially I felt disappointing for a 5km race. Thereafter I realised, it was 6km. Thus, I'm happy to do 4.5minute pace for the race.

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