Friday, January 10, 2014

Podi Pokatavaleh

You can't even respect your predecessor. Then you spoke in vulgar words and then merely ask sorry with egoism.

If people ask sorry again, just say it it lah, Why are you so adamant. Just because, you are close with the leader and you want to close the case. But you didn't realise you made a negative impact.

How can you say "see first"? I don't want to argue with you because you are a fool. By arguing with you, it makes me even stupid. It's better I stay away from you. Do take note, even for your success, my effort was there.

No that you are no longer with the company, and you are still struggling to get a permanent job. Listen, you can only shout and scream, that's why other members don't even want to be with you, which still makes to be single.

Now you even say I'm harassing when I'm just following up on questions which were unanswered. People know what is true and what is false. If you are so egoistic, then why don't you move up the ladder, rather than controlling some bunch of idiots in the team.

Why you don't even have a proper direction, don't know what you are doing and heading to, so in Tamil we call you "podi pokatavaleh" which means basically you are headless chicken.

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