Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Having maid is a luxury now

Should you want to hire Filipino maid, you may pay up to RM10,000 as initial fee and RM900 as their monthly. Now some agency has tried to jack up the price to RM14,000.

With the recent visit to Indonesia by Najib, both government has agreed to set the initial fee to RM7,800, where RM6k to be paid by potential employer and RM1800 to be deducted from the monthly salary over 6 months.

The ceiling salary also is fixed at RM700 per month.

This salary is only the basic. The employer needs to provide accommodation, which normally the store room, meals and clothing during occasions. Thus, the actual coast could go up to RM1,300 per month.

This is equivalent to normal executive's salary. Looks like only rich people can afford it.

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