Sunday, December 15, 2013

Crappy leader

If you need to deliver baby, getting married, need to take care of ur husband/family, business then why taking up the role. Just give it to others. If you merely become the gap filler, then people will talk bad about you and don't see you as leader.

Back talker
If you speak in front of me, then you are a bold leader, else you are coward. Why bitching about someone when you have no balls to speak in front. Don't you know, that someone else can talk behind you too.

Common language
Just because I don't know Chinese language, that doesn't mean that you can speak anything you want. I still have a heart and it can feel what you say. Now i know why you are there and I'm here. Quality always speaks for itself.

Tunnel vision
having tunnel vision would not bring you any can be financial planner or some therapist, but without creativity and just doing by what people say, will only make you a follower and not a leader.

Bad publicist
You can write bad about me in your blog, write bad email about me and even write to USA. end of the day, my golf stick spoke. I won my matches that I faced. Thanks to you. I have proven all your words are wrong. So you want to write some more?

High position is not god
You can be in a high position, but that doesn't mean you are god and we must follow whatever you say. You can shout at me and try to hide your mistake, don't appreciate my work, don't apologize/admit for your mistake. You can be egoistic, but that will make your quality staff to go away from you which already happening.

If you want to control the team, then go ahead. but you are merely creating followers and dumb. Let me see how long you can do it.

Silent killers
sometimes, people whom are smiling, they can be silent killers. They will be 2 faced, where they can something to you and something else to someone else. Remember, someone else can kill you on similar way.

Wow..I really learned leadership without even paying so much through working with all this kind of people.

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