Thursday, October 3, 2013

I completed it finally

It was my 4th marathon. The humidity was high as after 500M of warm up I was sweating. While the race started, my target was to do better than last year. went on a slow pace. Even meet up with my Toastmasters friends Victor and Ron.

The group was big at the beginning, thereafter, it became smaller as the distance goes further.

Me and Victor was pacing each other till 30th km. There after i took breaks at water stations to stretch myself.

There were enough distance markers and water stations. They even had 2 power gell station and also banana stations.

As I reached Jalan Kuching, the tiredness was there and it was only 8km left. Upon reaching Bkt Tunku, the actual disaster started, climbing the hill. Manage to push through by jog and run. 

Finally reaching, Jalan Raja Laut, we mixed with 10km and 5km runners and we were blocked by them. We had to push through all of them and finally reached the finishing line. My timing was 5:08 which was better than last year's timing of 5:30.

- I had merely mileage of 20km per week
- I had fall from bike just 2 days before the event 
- my colleague told me if i can run with my big stomach
- another colleague told me that I will come back via ambulance

But all this I took it as a pinch of salt and made it through to the finishing lane.

It's all mind over matter.

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