Sunday, October 13, 2013

Division B Humorous Speech & Evaluation Contest 5 Oct'13

 With 2nd place and 3rd place winners, contest chair, org.chair and division governor

 A photo with Lalitha, future media personality

Time for interview after winning 

Getting the Trophy from Division Governor Albert Chua 

 Showdown time

Finally after 8 years in Toastmasters I got 3 achievements. First, taking part in 2 contest at Division level at 1 go. Next, getting 2 podium finishing at 1 go also. Finally, Winning Evaluation title for the 1st time.

Preparing for 2 contest is already a challenge, and meeting expectation to get podium finishing was also added pressure.

For humorous, going against Nicole and Mirosha as a real task. They had support from their club members, where else, I felt I was like a lone ranger. Sometimes, being 1 man army is still good. At least, you have nobody to blame too. After the contest, I knew it will be 3 of us whom will be in top 3.

My main aim was not to get disqualified, and I knew my speech would not even touch red light. Good enough, I finished the speech within yellow light.

For both the contest, I was 6th contestant, when it came to evaluation, I was the final contestant. I was going against 2 time and defending champion, dennis, senior contestant, Thian Seng and rookie, Lily and Nicole.

When I was in the quarintine room, I was recalling senior member, Azmi Sharin's advise. He said, be open minded. Say what you like about the speech and what you think he can improve. That's it. I did it the same way.

People enjoyed it. I was nervous as I finished in red light.

When results was to be announced, Contest chair said, there was 1 time disqualification. I thought it was me. Results was announced, 3rd place was Lily, then....2nd place was Dennis Wee. I was like "What?". Then whose the champion? Nicole? Alex? It was S.Meyyappa Manickam !!!!!!!!!!!!

I stood up with shock and turned behind and saw Jamilah with shock....I was just wondering is it true.

When I received the trophy, Albert said, it was a great performance by me and I just hugged him.

This is my fist time, I won a contest without even witnessing other speakers.

Now it's time to perform at Ipoh Convention for District Contest. History should not repeat...

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