Monday, August 5, 2013

The 1st Apprentice Asia

Here's his tips:

There were 12 contestants from 7 countries and Jonathan became the man of the programme.

Here's List of Fired people:

Week 1: Hendy Setiono (Indonesia)
Week 2: Hanzo Ng (Malaysia)
Week 3: Dussadee Oeawpanich (Thailand) - Quit
Week 4: Ningku Lachungpa (India)
Week 5: Nik Aisyah (Malaysia)
Week 6: Nadzril Idrus (Malaysia)
Week 7: Celina Le Neindre (Philipines)
Week 8: Dian Krishna (Indonesia)
Week 9: Samuel Rufus (India)
Week 10: Alexis Lothar (China)
Week 11: Andrea Loh (Singapore)

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