Monday, May 6, 2013

Barisan Nasional Sustain their dominance in malaysia

STATISTIK SEBENAR PRU13 yang tidak dikeluarkan oleh TV3:

2008 = BN 140 vs PR 82
2013 = BN 133 vs PR 89 ( PR tambah 7 )

2008 = BN 344 vs PR 161
2013 = BN 275 vs PR 230 ( PR tambah 71 )

Jumlah Undian keseluruhan Mengikut kiraan Undian di seluruh Malaysia:

PRU 12: BN 4.0 Juta - PR 3.7 Juta
PRU 13: BN 5.3 Juta - PR 5.6 Juta

*Kerusi PR di DUN banyak bertambah. TV cuba menyembunyikan . Seolah-olah Barisan Nasional telah menang banyak.....

p/s: bernafaslah kamu didalam penipuan.
Najib's team has won it. They didn't realise that their Parliament seats has been reduced by 7. They may have recaptured Kedah but they have lost overall of 71 state seats.
Thus, their regime is becoming thinner.
How dirty was the game:
1. Overseas voter
2. Black out during ballot counting
3. Washable Indelible ink
4. Improper printing of ballot paper
5. One sided news in national channels and newspapers
Pak Lah step down after GE-12 due to simple majority. Will Jibby do the same for his poor performance.

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