Sunday, April 14, 2013

KL 10km Road race - 14 April 2013

Now it's back to business. To boost my morale, I took part in the race. Added with my new show and compression pants.

Having charged RM50, I was expecting some kind of light snacks, warm up or at least toilet to be opened by then. But none of this happened. Luckily, I arrived there early, thus managed to snoop into Arts Academy for a small break.

It was expected to be a tough route, which was the reverse of the double hill. After 2km passed, the bib came out and I need to take a minute break to fix it. Damn, it came out again and I just folded it and kept in my pocket..

One good thing was, there were 2 water station with water and isotonic drinks. As I was in the middle group  overtaking a pelathon will enable you to move up in 5 rankings.

Rather than walking at uphill, I slowed down and caught up with the rest at downhill. Upon reaching bank negara, there was a U-Turn, and I knew it was reaching the final km of the race. Thus, I increased my pace and even overtook another 5 runners towards final down hill towards finishing lane.

Upon finishing, there was only mineral water and milo. Damn, what happen to isotonic drinks. There were no breakfast or goddie bags. Only thing I received was sample packet of body wash.

Anyway, I got to know places where I need to focus on. My next race will be on 28 April.

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