Sunday, October 21, 2012

Talent Crushers

Awards are given to people whom has exceeded the expectations and achieved/contributed in a field. By receiving the award, the award itself should feel gratified.

But today I realised an award was given to someone whom was merely a follower and achieved what the previous person achieved. Outstanding ward is given for outstanding performance. Now can that person stand equal with the other award recipient as say that I have doesn't better than you?

Just because, the organiser / leader of the group likes that person and being "buttered", doesn't mean she/he deserves that award. The leader of the group should also realise that they are killing talents whom really deserve for the award.

Can the award recipient explain why he/she deserves that award? certain sweet poisons are killing the talents just because they have personal grudge on them..

Bullshit can bring you to the top but it won't keep you there. Be a true leader..not follower.

Even if your group betrayed me, I have the maturities to face all you people.

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