Monday, August 20, 2012

Tall Disorder

Sometimes we always say, Tall, Dark and Handsome. Sometimes, the character itself would only be "hand-some" and not hand full. If a person is getting a lead for a project, why another salesman wants to cut in and steal other people's hard work? Doesn't he has any maturity and cutting into people's reap.

Furthermore, empty vessel makes more sound, and he does the same by "taichi" all the work. Even as simple as photography was not able to handle where I need to bring in a substitute. Furthermore, in the whole movement f the event, myself and another co-advisor was monitoring the ensure event but he wasn't ding anything rather than just saying "keep u good work". He lost the credibility where, the organising chair cam to us for advise and strategies.

But he came and say it was done in rushing manner and only emails were communicated. The important matter here is communication and we did that properly. We were given short period of time, and still made it. The question is, why he is giving so much of comments when his involvement was mere below 5% and insignificant.

Respect can be earned when you serve, but respect can be also lost while you are serving. Looks like he is awaiting for a big blast from relevant parties involved including me.

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