Wednesday, June 27, 2012

KL Marathon 2012 - 24 June

After being dampen with calf injury at the beginning of the year, I could rarely run long distance. However, I told myself, should I don't register for this marathon, I would never ever going make another move. Thus I registered for it.

I begin to train for it in Month of May and again 2 weeks ago, I got into injury. But I told myself, I'm going to complete it, no matter what happens.

When the run started, I paced the 5 hours pacers and made decent run for the 1st half of the race. The agony started during the 2nd half, when, my left calf started to ache, I had to slow down my pace. Upon reaching 30km, it was hamstring cum knee pain. To make it worse, at 15km, I voumited due to stomach upset.

I just made a slow jog and walk for the final 10km. If I were to say, it's my worst performance, I would say it's my courages performamance for not giving up till the final minute.

I never felt dehydrated as I felt in previous marathon. Moreover, the weather was fine and not too humid as it use to be. There were adequate water stations. Perhaps, they could have provided another Power gell at 21km. My timing overall was 5:34.

As saying goes, "Experience will tell you what to do, Confidence will make you to do it."

I will be back next year, should I'm fully recovered.

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