Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Pulling the horn to get the milk

Sometimes, we complain that we don't get what we wanted although the request has been submitted. But have you ever wondered, whether you asked the right person, the right question?

Just imagine, you want to know average sales quantity per month of a carbonated drink producer and you throw the question to Human Resources dept. The HR personnel may give you a figure but it maybe invalid. Then  you move to finance dept and ask the same question, and that personnel gives you another figure. Then you move to legal dept and ask the same question again. If the personnel answers that will be good, else..

But, soon meeting these 3 dept personnel and getting 3 types of figures/answers, do you fell satisfied or complain that you tried hard but no proper results. The fault is on you because you didn't ask the right question to right person.

It's something that I witnessed recently in my Toastmasters experience, when someone would like to have some info but, ended with wrong info. Hahaha.

When you want to get the milk from the cow, no matter how hard you pull, you will still not get the milk, I mean pulling the horn. 

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