Saturday, November 12, 2011

A screwed up up week for me

People always look for good finishing. But it was other way round for me.

On Wednesday, I wanted to change my bike insurance to AmInsurance. So I went to the branch near my house, but the person in charge was on leave. So I went to another branch at Jalan Ipoh, but the personnel was dealing with another customer on his own sweet time. So I moved to head office at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng and the lady there said, they wont do for motorcycle, so she asked me to go to Jalan Lumut and it was already 4.30pm. Getting frustrated, I just went to post office(HQ) and they said they won't deal with AmInsurrance, so I just renewed with the existing company, Allianze. Without my knowledge, the lady also did personal accident policy which caused RM25 and said it's compulsory from end of last year. I Just got psst off and I came back with the insurance. Anyway, I didn't had any PA, so in a way it's good, but in future, I know that I need to be extra alert on this insurance matters.

I went to see my ex-boss on Thursday for my career progress and he was not there in office. It was a waste of time for me.

On Friday, I went to service my bike and the handle was not in proper shape. I did inform him during the last visit, but he said everything is OK. He noticed it himself on that day and serviced it and charged me RM5 for that when I bought battery from him for RM70 and dealing with him for the past 2 years. I'm thinking of changing the shop again.

Today morning, it rained and I had to drive to Setia Alam to collect the number for tomorrow's CICM run. So I had to pay RM8.80 for toll. Then, when I went to collect the number. The lady there don't even know how to speak Malay or English. She was searching my name under ladies category and said my name was not registered. WTF....Can't she ask me before checking it. Then I moved on to collect my shirt and another chaos happened, when they said size "XS" finished and other sizes are available. Damn, I asked that elderly person, that I have stated it on the registration form, but he said it's 1st come 1st serve basis. I told him, we have stated on registration form on our desired size but he still insist on 1st come 1st serve basis. In addition, he said it's difficult to determine the actual number when you are ordering in bulk. I told him closing date is your determination. He said no, it's difficult. I told him that I have been running for 11 years and I never faced this kind of funny situation, but he still insist on 1st come 1st serve basis. I had no mood to argue with him, so I just took the shirt with size "S" and came back. Damn, I also paid the money man !!!

When I went to Train the trainers, 2 of the members were treating me as if I'm no longer member of my division and saying that my support was only for other Division. Damn, you people were the one whom excluded me. I did offered my assistance to the current Division Governor, but she kept silent.

Now my DVD burner is giving problem.

Damn, so many things happened during the week. Hope next week will be better off.

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