Wednesday, November 2, 2011

MAAU became MAU

Our beloved President, Shahidan Kassim has changed the name from Malaysian Amateur Athletics Association(MAAU) to Malaysian Athletics Association (MAU). The word amateur has been dropped.

He feels that athletics need to go professional as most of the athletes are training full time, thus the name amateur doesn't suits.

But even Usain Bolt or Tyson Gay is also professional and they are training full time. But they are being paid by the sponsors like Nike or Adidas. Moreover, IAAF didn't drop the word amateur.

Our athletes are being paid peanuts. We used to be one of the powerhouse in athletics where we became overall champ for athletics during SEA GAMES 1997 when we racked 16 Gold Medals.

But for this year's SEA GAMES, getting 2 gold would be damn good already. There are 13 categories whom qualified under category B:

1. Yap Jeng Tzen - Negeri Sembilan - acara lempar cakera
2. Mohd. Hakimi Ismail - Perak - lompat kijang
3. Adi Aliffuddin Husin - Terengganu - lontar peluru
4. Fatimattul Awang - Terengganu - lompat jauh
5. Nor Shahidatun Nadia - Kedah - lompat jauh/kijang
6. K. Ganthimathi - Pahang - 800m/1500m
7. Zabidi Ghazali - Terengganu - 100m
8. Siti Zubaidah Adabi - Johor - 200m
9. Mohd. Ikhwan Nor - Terengganu - 100m
10. Kathleen Ong - Johor - lompat bergalah
11. Mohd Nor Imran - Johor - 100m
11. 4 X 100m -
12. 4 X 400m -
13. YuanYu Fang - wah tak pencen-pencen lagi atlet berusia 35 tahun ini?

Category B means, the expenses will be born by the association and will be reimbursed by the Malaysian Sports council, should the athlete gets a podium finishing.

I don't know till when Shahidan Kassim would like to hold the position and kill our athletics team. The power crazy man whom holds position in more than 12 sports association also intends to stand for Olympic Council of Malaysia, President post so that he can swindle more money.

I'm still waiting, when will athletics prosper.

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