Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Rich can Win

I was witnessing the selection of host for 2018 and 2022 World Cup football which was held at FIFA Headquarters, Zurich.

2018 bidders were:
1. Spain-Portugal
2. Holland-Belgium
3. England
4. Russia

We knew that Rud Gullit (Holland Legend) came to Malaysia to actually persuade AFC to vote for them.

David Beckham, Fabio Capelo and Tony Blair was there at the voting Zurich to give moral support.

Holland, Portugal and England has hosted the event, but they took a diffrent strategy to join as co host so that they can share the burden.

However, Russia was annouced as the host and they were the last team to do their presentation. In their presentation, they said that, there wont be any VISA for those whom are travelling tl Russia during that period. In addition, whoever purchases football match ticket will receive free ride in LRT through0out moscow during the season.

In addition, they stated in their speech gthat gthey are making difference by cultivating miore children into sports and building the future. The Deputy Prime Minister, Yelena Isinbayeva (Pole Voult Champion), Roman Abramovich (Chelsea Owner) and Andre Arshavin (Arsenal Player)were there to do their presentation.

Then came 2022 World Cup host announcement. The bidders were:

1. Australia
2. USA
3. Japan
4. South Korea
5. Qatar

I knew Japan, S.Korea and USA were out of cintention as they have hosted the event before. So I though Australia would win.

When I heard the results, Qatar won the bid. World Cup will be going to middle east for the first time ever in history.

They are oil rich country, same goes to Russia. I don't know if FIFA was bribed by these countries but I can say that money do play a factor.

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