Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We may be losers again in Sepak Takraw

It has been 16 years since we won gold medal in Sepak Takraw in Asian Games.

Here's Malaysia's performance since 1990 Beijing Games:

1990: 2 gold medals
1994: 1 gold
1998: 2 silver, 1 bronze
2002: 1 silver, 1 bronze
2006: 2 silver, 1 bronze

In recent King's cup Thailand, we lost to South Korea in Semifinals. A sports which was originate from Malaysia and became step son to Thailand.

We have relatively a easier group which consist of Japan, India and China. Our potential semifinalist will be South Korea and of course finals with Giants Thailand.

Can Malaysia end the 16 years drought to win gold medal? or are we going to play 3rd fiddle to South Korea and Thailand.

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