Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Samy Velu won't leave this year

Though his tenure as President of MIC ends on May, 2012 but he had 2nd thought of vacating the position by end of next year. Since, "people" knew that he is no longer the powerful Indian in Malaysia, there were several groups pressured him to step down immediate effect or this year itself.

But he gave an arrogant statement by saying, "Some people do not like me and they want me to leave during the night (quietly and without much fanfare). I have my own plan and I will go when I desire and that too during the day (to exit in style).

Looks like he will only go out when he is already tarnish his name 200%. I don't know why he is still adamant on his position until his family also became rubbish. The wife is staying separately. The son also had problem with murder case. The daughter is also staying separately.

I think, MIC can only come up, if some educated and person with common sense takes up the position.

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