Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mas Melor Meeting on 19 July

I started going to Mas Melor after Jamilah(Immediate Past President of the club and current Area Gov) helped my club whenever we needed including Emil Anthony (Immediate Past President Mas MAWAR). Thus, my bilateral relationship with all 3 MAS clubs became strong and I manage to improve my evaluation skills by attending the club meeting.

Last week, I was given Golden opportunity to become TME for the meeting. I accepted it open heartedly.

Here's the Vice President, Thiaga's comment:

"Toastmaster of the evening is none other than Meyappa Manikam, DTM who started the meeting going with a marvelous welcome. His voice and poise got everyone’s attention and we all paid attention. He introduces all the role players and had them reading out their roles. He stressed how important the role plays in a typical toastmasters meeting. Before that Meyappa also gave us a brief history of how toastmaster begun and was the achievement till present. He also explains the path to success very precisely. He kept us focus with interval jokes injecting in his role as toastmaster of the evening."

"Without breaking the promise Toastmaster of the evening, Meyappa Manikam, called for the most exciting moment of the meeting ……….the BREAK."

"Once again toastmaster of the evening Meyappa Manikam energized everyone in the meeting and inspired the entire new member to follow the journey with fun and passion. He is indeed a great Toastmaster and it was an honor having him for this meeting and looking forward for the future ones…. "

Thanks a lot for the invitation. Looking forward for future meetings.

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