Friday, July 16, 2010

4 new gift from Goverment

Yesterday our dearest Prime Minister announced that price of Petrol, Diesel, Gas, and sugar will increase from range of 5 cents to 25 cents.

So the petrol price will be RM1.85 per litre from Today onwards and will be changed on monthly basis. The increase is in line with Government's' plan to reduce subsidies in various products and use those savings to build our nations economy.

The best part, they still say that we are one of the cheapest in ASEAN. Damn, look at middle east countries lah. They are even cheaper than us. else where our neighbouring country Singapore has on of the most efficient transport system. Thus the people don't bother about petrol hike. But our country is not like that. The transport system in Klang Valley is so screwed up.

I have recommendation to build better economic country:
1. Ministers to stop taking corruptions.
2. Ministers to pay their long outstanding income tax.
3. Ministers to bring back and declare their Swiss Bank deposits.

then our country will definitely prosper.

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