Saturday, May 15, 2010

Malaysia TAK BOLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!

After witnesing yesterday's performance by our players, looks like I need to wait another 20 years to see our country lifting the cup.

Our players just couldnt match the Chienese players' speed and pace. This is semifinals of a "World cup", and that was how our Malaysians perfomed.

The stadium was jam pack yesterday. I could merely see any Chinese supporters. Everyone were just cheering for Malaysia.

After the loss, I just wonder:
- Are we lacking of STRONG junior players that we still need players like Wong Choon Han.

- Are our coaches crap? We have Misbun, Rashid, Hendrawan, Rexy, Kim Her, Rosman Razak, Pang Chee Chang, Cheah Son Kit, Yap Kim Hock and the list of coaches goes on.

- If China can produce quality juniors like Chen Jin and Chen Long, Denmark with Jan Orgensen and Joachim Pearson, Japan with Tago and Shasaki, How abt Malaysia.

- Being host can never be an anvantage anymore with the humiliation yesterday.

After seeing yesterday's match, I just said Malaysia TAK BOLEH.

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