Saturday, April 10, 2010

Long Run after Long Rest

With busy with work life, I have been missing from training. Sometimes, I will just do short runs and Gym.

Today I made it a point that I need to buck up on my fitness and also my weight. Thus, when I saw Ronnie's announcement, I said to myself I'm going for the training.

I came back early yesterday and went to bed early to ensure that I get enough sleep. When I wake up today, It was windy and i saw a bit of lightning.

But I still continued my journey to lake Gardens. As I went there, I saw Stanley, Lionel and Vijay. It started drizzle when I reach bkt aman car park. However, my determination didn't stop me to run. I just wanted to go for easy run as I'm doing it after long time.

I realise Ronnie FFK, so we continued our journey. I followed Vijay as he wants go slow also. So we let Stanley n Lionel to go front and we became the back benchers.

As we pass through IRB, the rain became heavier but we still continued as we didn't feel the tiredness. We did a short pit stop at Petronas and continued our journey back to Bkt Aman. While we are running, we talked everything right from family, sports, politics, share market economy.

Anyway good run today and thanks to Vijay for the pacing.

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