Sunday, March 14, 2010

Area B1 International Speech & Table Topic Contest

I was aiming to go to Division Contest this year, moreover end my draught as Area Champion.

I started scripting the speech upon Genting Convention and even edited by World Championship 2nd place winner, K.Loghendran. Though I had few only moments to practice as I was stuck with my job. But I have started imagining myself to be the champion.

There were 6 contestants and I was 2 speaker. With the speech title "Which Nut Are You", I was confident of presenting it and I felt relieved and satisfied upon the presentation.

When the results was announced, I got 3rd place. Damn. And I lost to Dennis again. But I gave him a good run for his money. Furthermore, the 2nd place winner was underdog, and was speaking abt Facebook Kidnapping. It was like fact finding report. I don't know how the judges gave the marks.

Then, came Table Topics. It's like share market as you wont know whats going to happen next. I was the 4th contestant. The title was "Think Different".

I don't know what to speak, but I just spoke something. And the results announced, I got 2nd place. and the champion was another underdog, Thiga.

Damn, my hope for the year to represent the area in Division contest just dashed, since only champions will qualify.

The results:

International Speech
1. Dennis Wee (DU ADV)
2. SY Khor (DU ADV)
3. Meyyappa (DKC)

Table Topics
1. Thiga (MAS MELOR)
2. Meyyappa (DKC)
3. Victor Ong (DU ADV)

Whatever it is, I still made some achievements:
1. 2 podium finishing at one go
2. 1st ever placing for international speech in area contest.
3. Beat Dennis in Table Topics (defending Champion was not even placed)

But still the organising was screwed up:
1. No proper timing device
They used iPhone screen as color card but then they got paper. But even the paper was damn light (light green and light yellow). Sometimes, it looks the same.

2. Inadequate role players
The chief judge was also the time keeper. there was only 1 SAA and she was also the ballot counter. The Area Governor said that he couldn't get any one because most of them were booked for other areas. This shows he didn't plan well on his organising matters. He could have just opened the District directory and called someone. he just need 6 people and there are more then 200 members in Klang Valley.

3. No proper signage to the venue

4. Inadequate publicity abt the event

5. certs not printed on time

Whatever it is, we should move forward, and my next aim is the Humorous & Evaluation contest in August.

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