Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Limitation on SPM subjects

Recently, our Education minister has put a cap for SPM students by limkting the subjects to 10. This has dampen the hopes for students to reach sky high by attempting 18 subjects or 20 subjects. Furthermore, Tamil and Chinese scholl students cant take their mother tougue subjects as the core subjects itself comes to 10.

Thus, Tan Sri Muhideen Yassin (Education Minister cum Deputy PM) said that students can take up to 12 subjects but only 10 subjects will be tested in exams.

I dont know, why our goverment is so crap by putting cap on school subjects. If the particular student is fit to take 15 or 18 subjects, then just go ahead. It's because we have to respect their capability and let then to achieve their fliying colours.

This is what happens, when nuts rule the country.

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