Sunday, December 27, 2009

Ciggarate prices will rise from Jan 1 onwards

This would the perfect gift for New Year from Government. The minimum retail price would increase from RM4.80 to RM6.40.

Studies shows that increase on 10% in price would reduce ONLY 3.8% smokers. Saw the ratio.
Malaysians basically don't bother about the price increase, as it doesn't impact them much.

If old smokers are giving up, new smokers (youngsters) are coming up. That's why companies like Dunhill, Mild Seven, Marlboro and Kent, don't bother about all this government regulations. Furthermore, everyone knows about the impact from smoking. Thus, no use of putting the picture on the box and rising the price.

Furthermore, we are still cheaper compare to Australia, Singapore, England and other developed countries. Thus, the main reason of price increase is actually for government to make more money. That's the only intention.

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