Sunday, October 4, 2009

New A+ grade for SPM

Yesterday at "The Star" Newspaper, Our Education Minister said that new A+ grade will be introduced from next year onwards.

The current system of 1A, 2A, 3B was introduced in SPM2000 replacing A1,A2,C3....

The goverment is just changing the grade, in other word, changing the letter n the symbol.

What we need is the :
1. Change of sylabus which is capable of inculcating current happening around the world.
2. Enhancement on teaching method, as the teachers are lacking of communication skills.
3. Change the education system from exam base to problem solving base. Students are memorising and voumiting out in exam. No wonder local grads are lack of quality.

Let's see if 1 Mlaysia concept is really going to work or all our money is going to 1 Malaysia F1 team.

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