Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Shame of our athletes

Today I was watching Buletin Utama at TV3 and it was reported that our National Sepak Takraw Team lost to South Korea. What the Heck!
First, you complain about "servis Kuda", then "sintetik Ball". Now What?

This is our traditional sports and look at underdogs like South Korea is beating us. We should feel shame about it. Then the President of the Malaysian Sepak Takraw Association, "Some Datuk" said that they are still investigating the loss and possible way to improve.

Come on, the sepak takraw team was in deep shit since 90s and you idiots never do anything. But now want to talk "KOK".

The President said that for Sea Games they are just aiming for silver as Thailand is very strong. A true sportsman will never admid loss before starting the game.

Team like Myanmar and Vietnam who is using Malaysians as coach is beating us. I think all the current players should be sacked from the team and new generation should be included and recruited.

More important, take out all the politicians in the association as they are the to "makan money" and to talk KOK.

As we are suffering from financial difficulties, why are you limiting your sponsors. When "Perillys", a tabacco company was sponsoring the team and league, our team was superb.

Now, no sponsor and ministry says no to tabacco and alcohol sponsors. Come on, Europeans and American teams can do that because they have other strong sponsors, but in Malaysian thats not the case.

We were initially tarnisehed by the Football team when they lost to Laos. Then, Hockey team when they lost to France and Egypt. Now Sepak Takraw. Soon what other sports?

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