Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"Kiasu" Malaysian

I went to University Malaya Medical centre yesterday with my wife for an interview. The location was at 6th floor.

When we were in the lift, there came a patient in the rollr bed which occupied 75% of the lift space. Apart from it, we were 6 of us in the lift (packed like sardine).

When my floor reaches, a chinese lady who was at the lift door refused to give space for my wife to go out of the lift. And the malay dude who was also the staff of UMMC was not pressing the button to ensure the door doesnt close before the ppeople goes out.

The door was closed and I shouted "open, Open" but nobody bothered. Why are Malaysian so Adamanent, "Kiasu" and selfish. Why cant they think about the rest? Its really a shame to see this people. It was just a crap situation for me yesterday.

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