Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Contradicting Statements on Newspaper

I read "News Straits Times" and "The Star" everyday. Today I realised, there's some thing contradicting about "making English as Compulsory Pass Subject.

As Per NST:
"English as SPM compulsory subject: Majority says aye
Almost everyone is for the proposal to make English a compulsory pass subject at the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) level. The big question, however, is when. "

As per Star:
"Many object to making English a ‘must pass’ SPM subject"

My Comment:
How come it's contradicting. Does this means that one of the newspaper is pro-goverment and another is other way round.
For me, I support the move to make the subkect as compulsory pass as it's the International Language and the main communication tool around the world. How can we neglet it.

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