Monday, May 11, 2009

Long Run - 9 May'09

It was one of my worst run ever. I wanted to do some mileage after long absence due to job and family commitment. Thus upon the Circuit Run, I wanted to do better. But things went the other way round. We started well and upon reaching the New Bank Negara Office, I started feeling the heat although it was only 6.10am. Anyway, I continued following them. At hilly areas, I will be left behind, but I managed to catch up towards down hill.

Upon reaching Petronas, we did 2 loops around the school and stopped for a water break. I just went to the pipe and wet myself due to the heat. Took some “Power Gel” to ensure I don’t fell hunger. We continued another 2 loops and made our 2nd and final water stop. I finished my Power Gel and ensured I’m fully refreshed with water.

The final phase was getting back to Bkt Aman. I followed the team till IRB. I could really move at the short hill course around IRB, that’s where PM Tey overtook me and I was left alone. But I caught them at the cross Junction of Jln Duta. Towards reaching Tijani Hills, the group left me behind. I was exhausted. My water finished. Thank God, there was a gardener who was watering the trees. I refilled my bottle and tried to continue running. My legs became tired. My steps became small. I just jogged all the way to the finishing line. I clocked 2:44.49, which was not a good one for 28km.

I took a bottle of Power Drink, a packet of Limau Ais and a bottle of 7up Revive. That's shows how thirstly am I after the race.

I got “screwed” by “someone” for not attending training and how am I going to run marathon without adequate mileage. But I gently said the KLIM’09 slogan “Run Your Race” which means go on your own PACE. I’m not targeting for top 20 or top 50 positions nor the sub 3hours or sub 4hours timing.

This is my 1st marathon, and my target is just to complete it and enjoy myself with the run. I’m not going to torture myself just like how I did last year in Half marathon and injured myself. I’m going to take it easy and finish it within the qualifying time of 6hours.

Everyone has their own PACE and capability. So do ME. Although I have work commitments, but I still manage to steal some time at night (around 9.30 ok) to do a short half hour run to ensure my body is fit.

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