Sunday, April 5, 2009

Long run - 5th Apr'09

First of all, I was coming back home at average of 1am everyday except for friday at 2.30am. Can you imagine the life of auditor. Furthermore, I'm working with teamates who are workaholics who doesnt know how to enjoy their lives.

On Tuesday (31st march), Thursday (2nd april) and Friday (3rd April), I did go for my jogging. You may wonder how I did it with my tight working schedule. Everyone needs to eat lunch and dinner. So my teamates too. When they go for their dinner around 8.30pm, I make use of that time to go for my short jogging.

I started from Royal selangor Club(RSC) towards lake gardens, made 2 loops and back to RSC. This time I had to make bigger loop because they were having some function called "Stylo" at the main area. Therefore I had to take the hills going towards bird Park and come through Bukit Aman. it would be approximately 8km.

After that I go for my shower at RSC and go to 7-11 to grab a bun and Red Bull before starting my work again. My coleuges never knew that I went for jogging. It will be definetely tiring, but what to do, its my passion.

I was suppose to go for long run on Saturday (4th April), but I went to bed at 3am. I had no strength to wake up at 5am again.

So I went for my Long Run today at UM. It will be always nice to run at the place where you were educated.

Here's how my route goes:

3rd College --> Sceince faculty-->Arts faculty-->Accounts faculty-->Engineering faculty-->Faculty of Built Enviroment-->Medical faculty-->6th College-->1st College-->Law faculty-->Pusat Asasi Sains-->5thCollege-->Sports Centre-->Bukit Cinta(killing Hill)-->10th College--> Comp.Sceince Faculty-->3rd College

And I made 2 loops, which came up to 16km (8km per loop). I did 1 hour: 18 minutes.51seconds.

I was in a peaceful mind upon completion because after hactic workload and too many obstacles for me to do my running. At first I tought of doing only 1 loop, then I just said to myself , I want to do it. So I went for another loop.

My advice is , life is like a rubber band. u can be flexible how u want.

Ronnie was angry that I didnt join them. Hope he won't sack me from the team. Hope I can join them in near future.

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