Saturday, January 17, 2009

Wild Wild Run - 8th Mar'09

Date : Sunday, 8th March 2009Time : 7:30am Sharp
Starting Point : Zoo Negara, Kuala Lumpur
Enquires : 016-2166277 Wong Kei Ming OR 012-2795208 Ronnie See
Proposed Itinerary:
06:00am : Arrival of volunteers
06:30am : Arrival of runners n Distribution of bibs
06:55am : Last call for bibs distribution
07:15am : Briefing by designated spokesman
07:30am : Race officially starts for all categories
08:05am : Estimated arrival of top men finisher
08:10am : Estimated arrival of top women finisher
08:20am : Light breakfast will be served
09:00am : Estimated finishing time of last runner
09:30am : Trophy presentation to all age category winners
09:45am : End of Event

Registration : Open!!!Registered participants who do not turn up on race day will be disqualified and no medals will be awarded.
Registration Fee :RM35 per participant (zoo entry fee is included!)
Register Online :Online registration must email to Race Director Wong Kei Ming ( with Full name, D.O.B, age & contact number.
Payment Method :Payment can be bank-in to Maybank account No: 1-12241-11208-3, payable to WONG KEI MING. Your entry will be confirmed only after payment has been made. Kindly make your payment on or before 15th February 2008. Please inform us after you have made the payment.

Distance :9.25km (1.85km x 5 loops)
Category of Age Group :-
Men 29 & Below-
Men 30 - 39-
Men 40 & Above-
Women Open

Finisher Medal :All finishers will be awarded finishing medal regardless of completion time at the finishing station, located a short distance from the finishing line.

Trophy :Trophy Allocation :- Men 29 & below (5 trophies)- Men 30 - 39 (5 trophies)- Men 40 & Above (5 trophies)- Women Open (5 trophies)Refreshment Station :There will be refreshment station from the 2nd loop onwards, located 10m after the starting point. Both isotonic drinks and mineral water will be available to all runners at the end of each lap. We urge that you drink at every lap to hydrate yourself.

Collection of Bib :Participants shall collect their bib number during the reporting time. Please take note that bib number will not be distributed after 7.00am.

Runners who fail to report themselves before 7am will not be entertained. Runners that do not wear their bib number will be disqualified. The race will be flag off at 7:30am sharp, therefore your punctuality will be much appreciated.

Breakfast / Group Photographs :Food and refreshments will be served after the race. Please throw the rubbish into the provided garbage bags to facilitate cleaning up. Do to keep the park clean and LITTERING IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED.

If you wish to have group photographs taken, kindly ask our cameraman on duty for assistance.
Parking :Ample parking is available at the Zoo parking spaces, FREE of charge.
Public Toilet :20 cents per entry (Open @ 7am).
Check Points :Due to a number of shortcuts available along the Zoo routes, there will be checkpoints along the way, to ensure a fair competition for every participant.
Marshalls in charge will also record number of lap you have run to ensure each participant completed 5 loops for all participants. Due to some confusion of the junctions, the mashalls incharge will guide runners to the correct ways that runners have to run.

Waiver Clause :The participants hereby agree to abide by the rules and conditions of the race, participants are entering the competition at their own risk and shall not hold the organiser responsibility for any accident, injury, death, loss of property however cause before, during and after the race.'

Do train hard and smart prior to the race as you will be rewarded with a well deserved a unique designed trophy for all your hard work and effort.

'brought 2u by der Pacemakers Network 2009
Route Map of Zoo

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